Practicing What I Preach Hank Blackwell NFPA Backyards & Beyond November, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Practicing What I Preach Hank Blackwell NFPA Backyards & Beyond November, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicing What I Preach Hank Blackwell NFPA Backyards & Beyond November, 2013

2  Cerro Grande Fire, Los Alamos New Mexico  Hyde Park Estates Firewise Community  Santa Fe County WUI Code  Santa Fe County Wildfire Cooperators  Collaborative Forest Restoration Program  Santa Fe County Resource Mobilization Plan  Home Ignition Zone Curriculum Development & Delivery

3  Multi-Agency Program  NWCG Certification for Personnel & Apparatus  Increased Response Effectiveness  Increased Firefighter Safety





8 Media Campaigns Current Events Education Efforts Collaboration


10  USDA Pilot Project  Forest Health and Restoration  Stimulate Local Economy  County Open Space  Educational Park/Trail  Forest Treatment examples/Observation Points

11  Dynamics of Wildland/Urban Interface Fire  Identifying Hazards in the Home Ignition Zone  Assessing Wildfire Hazards Around Existing Homes  New Construction and Safer Communities


13  Fuels (Overly Dense, Unhealthy Vegetation)  Weather (Drought, Excessive Temperatures)  Topography (20% Slope)

14 Vegetation Management




18  Lot was located in heavy vegetation above heavily wooded riparian area  Lot was located on top of a 20% slope  Vegetation Rx was influenced by footprint of home foundation and septic field location

19  Double-paned, tempered glass  Pinched seam metal roof  Stucco, Stone & cement-board siding  Sealed/ember-resistant openings/penetrations

20  Additional vegetation spacing related directly to preliminary Rx  Larger trees limbed up and pruned  Fire-resistive vegetation chosen for initial home ignition zone  Use of geology to reduce fire rate of spread/intensity

21  Exterior construction materials/design had multiple functionality  Current construction/building codes  Ignition resistance  Aesthetics  Durability of materials  Function

22  Irrigated lawn and gravel next to and under decking & first 5’ out from foundation  Location of septic field/permanently irrigated grass surface on slope



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