Operational and Actuarial Aspects of Takaful

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Presentation on theme: "Operational and Actuarial Aspects of Takaful"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operational and Actuarial Aspects of Takaful
Topic 3 Takaful Models

2 Sub Topics Takaful Models Cash Flow
Differences between Takaful and Insurance

3 Cooperative Model Participant Contribution (Premium) 100% 100%
Policy Benefits Investment Profit Participants Account (Personal) Participants Special Account (Common) Underwriting Surplus Investment Profit Actual Management Expenses Operator

4 Mudharabah Model Participant Contribution (Premium) Policy Benefits
100% (1 – x)% Policy Benefits Investment Profit Participant Account (Personal) Participants Special Account (Common) Underwriting Surplus Investment Profit x% Actual Management Expenses Operator

5 Wakalah Model Participant Contribution (Premium) Policy Benefits
Wakalah Fee (to operator) Contribution (Premium) 100% 100% Policy Benefits Investment Profit Participants Account (Personal) Participants Special Account (Common) Underwriting Surplus Investment Profit Actual Management Expenses Operator

6 Waqf Model Participant Contribution (Premium) Policy Benefits
Wakalah Fee (to operator) Contribution (Premium) 100% 100% Policy Benefits Investment Profit Participants Account (Personal) Waqf Fund Underwriting Surplus Investment Profit Actual Management Expenses Operator

7 Simplied Profit and Loss – Pure Wakalah
Example :Conventional Insurance Takaful Operator’s Fund + Investment Income + Wakalah Fees Commissions Management Expenses Profit/Loss Takaful Fund + Contribution + Investment Income - Wakalah Fees - Claims Reserves Surplus/Deficit Shareholders’ Fund Life Fund (Par) + Investment Income - Expenses + Premium Claims Commissions Management Expenses Reserves Profit/Loss Surplus/Deficit Surplus shared by both Shareholders and Policyholders. Formula for allocation fixed by regulators Surplus NOT shared with Operator

8 Participant Account (Saving)
Sources of Income – Pure Wakalah Takaful Operator’s Fund + Investment Income + Wakalah Fees Commissions Management Expenses Profit/Loss Takaful Fund + Contribution + Investment Income - Wakalah Fees Claims Reserves Surplus/Deficit Participant Account (Saving) + Contribution + Investment Income - Tabarru Surplus Risk Fund + Investment Income + Tabarru Claims Reserves Surplus/Deficit Surplus NOT shared with Operator

9 Simplified Profit and Loss (for illustration only)
This is not an indication of the profitability of an insurance company against a takaful operator. For accounting entries illustration only. Conventional Insurance Takaful Surplus shared by both Shareholders and Policyholders. Formula for allocation fixed by regulators Surplus NOT shared with Operator

10 Insurance v Takaful General Rulings ; Sources of laws & regulations :
Conventional – state and man-made laws; Takaful – based on divine revelations; Contract : Conventional – sale & purchase between insured and insurer; Takaful – participatice in nature involving the principle of tabarru’ & profit sharing; Investment of premium: Conventional – No involvement of policyholders; Takaful – Different contract has different approach; the Al Mudharbah and Al-Wakalah models;

11 Insurance v Takaful Business Operation Profit-motive:
Conventional – Maximizing returns to shareholders; Takaful – Optimizing operations for affordable risk protection as well as fair profits to operator; Initial capital: Conventional – Shareholders; Takaful – Rabb al Mal or paid via contributions from participants;

12 Insurance v Takaful Losses:
Conventional – Transfer of losses among insurance pools and from policyholders to shareholders; Takaful – Losses retained within classes of business; Investment and profit-motive: Conventional – No moral guides, allows riba and maisir; According to Islamic values and Shariah guidelines;

13 Insurance v Takaful Agent & Intermediaries:
Conventional – typically independent from insurers and paid commissions from the premium charged to policyholders that is not disclosed; Takaful – some are employees while others are independent and wakalah fees are disclosed

14 Insurance v Takaful Treatment of Returns: Profits and/or Bonus;
Conventional – to be returned to policyholders and determined by managers and the Board; Takaful – specifies in advance how and when profit/surplus will be distributed; Right of insurable interest: Conventional – vested in the nominee absolutely (for non- muslims); Takaful – determined by Islamic Principles of Faraid;

15 Insurance v Takaful Dissolution;
Conventional (non-mutual) – reserves and excess surplus belongs to the shareholders; Takaful – reserves and excess/surplus could be returned to participants, although consensus opinion prefers donation to charity; Benefits paid from General Business: Conventional – owned by insures; Takaful – made by participants as mutual indemnification; Process of Claim: Conventional – insured may elected cost or replacement cost valuation; Takaful – entitled to compensation only for repair or rebuild or replacement

16 Insurance v Takaful Other issues: Taxes:
Conventional – subject to local, state and federal taxes; Takaful – subject to local, state and federal taxes plus obligated to pay zakat ; Regulation (Malaysia): Conventional – Insurance Act Takaful – Takaful Act 1984

17 End Thank you

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