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Chap 40, 2 Aim: How has the world changed socially post WWII? Do Now- Pair/Share: 1) Why does China have a gender ratio problem? 2) How might that effect.

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Presentation on theme: "Chap 40, 2 Aim: How has the world changed socially post WWII? Do Now- Pair/Share: 1) Why does China have a gender ratio problem? 2) How might that effect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chap 40, 2 Aim: How has the world changed socially post WWII? Do Now- Pair/Share: 1) Why does China have a gender ratio problem? 2) How might that effect the population? “More and more Chinese parents only have one child, and they mostly want that child to be a boy. In fact, there is an intense social, almost peer, pressure for families to make sure their child is male. Selective abortion and female infanticide are common. … China's gender ratio is unbalanced as a result. The trouble is that the men which the custom of selectivity sought to "produce" will have to pay for their privilege by suffering a shortage of brides. And in future that means fewer kids. … Indeed, by 2020, the surplus of Chinese males in their 20s will exceed the entire female population of Taiwan. The gender imbalance will get worse before it gets better; selective abortion is set to increase, not just for second and third births, but also for first births. This will cause social strains. Many young men will have to accept bachelorhood, a condition which often drives men to crime, even suicide and depression. Women on the other hand, will be scarcer, though whether that will lead to an improvement in their current low and often abused status is questionable.”

2 Global Diseases Disease has always played an important role in the development of human communities 1978 UN called for end to all infectious diseases by 2000 – unrealistic goal Ancient diseases TB and malaria on the rise New diseases Ebola and AIDS Threat throughout the world but has struck the developing world the hardest – sub- Saharan Africa

3 AIDS in Africa Potential loss of 70 million people in sub- Saharan Africa Life expectancy in region expected to fall from 59 to 45 80% of children worldwide who have AIDS live in Africa Threatens to overwhelm continent – orphaned children, health infrastructure, financial burdens, drain on workers

4 Global Terrorism Terrorism: deliberate, systematic use of violence against civilians Cheaper, more effective than conventional war, thus accessible to smaller groups September 11, 2001: four planes hijacked by terrorists –Crash into World Trade Center buildings (NYC), Pentagon, field in Pennsylvania (passengers thwarted intended target) –Masterminded by Islamic extremist Osama bin Laden (1957- ), of al-Qaeda –ISIS – Charlie Hebdo

5 War in Afghanistan and Iraq President George W. Bush (1946- ) invades Afghanistan to destroy al-Qaeda training bases Overthrows Taliban government Invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein, perceived as ally of Osama bin Laden (false)

6 The United Nations Superseded the League of Nations (1920-1946) Charter: to maintain international peace and security- (& prevent another world war) Weak body in military areas, influential in larger public health projects –Eradication of smallpox Supporters of universal human rights Headquarters in NYC

7 Global Feminism Displaced from jobs by returning soldiers after World War II, women in industrialized nations agitate for equal opportunities Demand control over bodies: access to birth control and abortion, achieved 1960s-70s Arab and Muslim lands: continued gaps in literacy Increasing number of women national leaders –Indira Gandhi (India), Golda Meir (Israel), Margaret Thatcher (UK), Angela Merkel (Germany)

8 Migration Patterns Rural areas depopulating to urban regions Creation of slums – Favelas in Brazil Immigration for economic reasons Refugees fleeing war, poverty (Vietnam) Tourism increasingly common in 21 st century

9 World Migrations Since 1500

10 Assessment How has the world changed socially over time 1750 to 1900? Write a thesis statement. Exchange with your neighbor.

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