Regionalpolitik Central European Year EGTC Conference 21-22 February 2013 Budapest Outlooks – EGTC as programme manager, provider of cross-border common.

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Presentation on theme: "Regionalpolitik Central European Year EGTC Conference 21-22 February 2013 Budapest Outlooks – EGTC as programme manager, provider of cross-border common."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regionalpolitik Central European Year EGTC Conference 21-22 February 2013 Budapest Outlooks – EGTC as programme manager, provider of cross-border common services and applicant Dirk Peters European Commission Directorate Regional and Urban Policy Team Leader/Senior Legal Officer

2 Regionalpolitik Programme manager Article 21 ETC EGTC manages a programme or only a PART thereof Article 10 ETC As legal body EGTC manages an Integrated Territorial Investment [next slide] Particular potential for triangles to implement a strategy under several bilateral CBC programmes Article 10 ETC EGTC as MA empowered to carry out FLC in whole programme area!

3 Regionalpolitik Integrated territorial investment  Article 99 CPR (3 + 2 Funds!) Urban development strategy or other territorial strategy (or ESF pact) More than one "priority axes" of one or more OPs “Intermediate body” to carry out management and implementation  legal body or an EGTC (2 countries) CSF: inside ITI, part can be CLLD

4 Regionalpolitik Provider of cross-border common services Article 3 EGTC Membership extended to "public undertakings" alongside public similar bodies, thus opening to energy, water and transport. EP and CoR are also pushing to allow for undertakings managing Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). However, strictly private entities remain excluded (companies, individuals, etc.) Article 2 CPR Expenditure of EGTC always considered public expenditure

5 Regionalpolitik "Applicant" – beneficiary Article 11(3) ETC EGTC = single beneficiary for ETC projects, where they fulfil the cooperation criteria Article 8 ETC EGTC = beneficiary of a Joint Action Plan EGTC may draw from different funds and programmes (e.g. to implement a cross-border employment basin, combing ETC and regional ESF programmes)

6 Regionalpolitik Joint action plan  Article 93 CPR (3 Funds) Outputs and result-based to achieve specific objectives project or group of projects; min EUR 5 mill or 20% of public support of OP One JAP per MSt min EUR 5 mill of public support No infrastructures! COM Decision If EGTC  “Steering committee” (Art. 8 ETC)

7 Regionalpolitik Improvements inside EGTC Regulation Enlarged scope (outside Cohesion Policy) Procedure (tacit approval) Simplified procedure for adhesion of new members Rules on activities and [staff] Third countries

8 Regionalpolitik Improvements outside EGTC Regulation ITI; JAP; (CLLD) Expenditure always public Single beneficiary If managing authority: controls Managing PART of an OP Public Procurement Directives

9 Regionalpolitik What is cooperation about? "We are Europeans by virtue of a complex interior activity of the brain, the flexible coping with our inner paradoxes, the pleasure we get from multiformity, the conversion of the diversity of our roles into creative tension; we are Europeans in our appreciating or intellectually sympathizing with different cultures, and in our confidence of not losing ourselves in so doing." György Konrád

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