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User Adoption CRMUG Dallas Chapter Meeting 5/14/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "User Adoption CRMUG Dallas Chapter Meeting 5/14/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Adoption CRMUG Dallas Chapter Meeting 5/14/2014

2 Who am I? Victoria Doucet Business Analyst @ EmployBridge (2.5 years)

3 EmployBridge

4 How EmployBridge uses CRM Primary front-office application Integrated with back office and third party systems Custom functionality to support staffing activities Sales Force Automation (SFA) Out-of-the-box functionality Custom workflows

5 Transition to CRM Transition from a previous staffing system Data migrated from legacy system Processes rebuilt into CRM CRM Go-Live: 3/5/2012

6 “Why are we doing this?” Support from stakeholders is key Ensure that the primary stakeholders are on board Involve stakeholders in user communications Messages from CEO, CIO, Training team Messaging alignment and frequency All communications should be aligned – what, why, when, and how Be wary of email burnout – over-communication leading to users ignoring emails

7 “What are we doing?” Communicate clearly Explain what the change is Start “selling” the new system early Involve users Gather feedback from the users Include user-suggested items in the project plan Pilot test – 1 branch office

8 “What’s in it for me?” User Concerns What does this change mean to me? How does this affect my job? Change Perception How is the change going to be perceived by users? Who will communicate the change?

9 “When is this happening?” Communicate project timeline Let the users know the planned go-live date Keep users informed of upcoming training opportunities Align key shared resources Buy-in from key resources Build support team

10 “How do I use it?” Accommodate schedules and learning styles Multiple training sessions – scheduled, daily, 1-hour (2 weeks) Multiple learning styles – webinars + self-paced, hands-on courses Update training and documentation as features evolve Provide written documentation for specific features (break it down) Keep the documentation up-to-date as features change

11 “But…I liked the old system better!” Explain benefits Why is CRM better? Stability, extensibility How will CRM help users do their jobs? Reassurance Change is scary Build excitement around the CRM

12 “I need help!” Assemble support team early Identify who will be responsible for providing support Train support personnel High support availability window Communicate support resources Names Phone numbers Email addresses

13 “What do you mean, I have to?” Stress positive aspects of adopting the system How does CRM help users do their jobs? How does CRM align with our company’s goals? What’s so great about CRM? Financial implications Does failure to adopt CRM impact the field associates this user supervises? Is there a financial impact the user?

14 “I still don’t get it…can you show me?” One-on-one training On-site office visits Remove distractions Provide examples Set up advanced finds, dashboards Walk through scenarios

15 “I found a bug!” Identify escalation process How will users report bugs? How will bug fixes be prioritized? Keep users informed Communicate with users when bug fixes are being deployed If something cannot be fixed right away, let the user know

16 “This is too hard!” Patience Multiple training sessions Varying comfort level with technology Automate business processes Turn manual processes into automated processes Illustrate how CRM can save users time

17 “Hey, what if CRM could…?” Identify change request process How will users suggest changes? How will those changes be prioritized? Incorporate user feedback into releases Deployment schedule Frequency Communicate changes to users

18 “Could you give me more examples?” Regular communication Spotlight new changes Reinforce specific features Update and add documentation As functionality changes, update documentation Add new documentation as new features are implemented

19 “This thing is too slow!” Desktop improvement Computer refresh/repair New hardware rollout Branch network improvement Identify slow-performing office networks Improve connectivity for remote users where possible CRM server upgrade

20 “Wow…this thing is really cool!” Continuous improvement User change requests/bug fixes Deployment schedule Feature enhancements Additional integrations with third-party vendors Automation of additional manual business processes

21 Let’s talk! What are some barriers to user adoption that you are facing? Do you have any tips/tricks to share with the group?

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