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..and Why Excel Learning Centers Should Expand Africa…

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1 ..and Why Excel Learning Centers Should Expand Africa…


3 Egyptian Languages ~The most common Language in Egypt is Egyptian Arabic ~But in the African cluster Countries, the most common languages spoken are: -Arabic -French -English **There are over 2100 languages spoke natively in Africa Egyptian Arabic Alphabet

4 Religion in Egypt ~The most common religion in Egypt is Islamic Muslim. That represents 80-90% of Egypt The other 10%-20% of the Egyptian population is Oriental Orthadox Christian. Islamic Calligraphy

5 Family Values in Egypt The family is the most significant unit of Egyptian society.. Kinship plays an important role in all social relations.. The individual is always subordinate to the family, tribe or group.. Nepotism is viewed positively, since it is patronage of one's family.. The family consists of both the nuclear and the extended family.

6 Ettiquette Greetings are based on both class and the religion of the person.. It is best to follow the lead of the Egyptian you are meeting.. Handshakes are the customary greeting among individuals of the same sex.. Handshakes are somewhat limp and prolonged. Once a relationship has developed, it is common to kiss on one cheek and then the other while shaking hands, men with men and women with women.. In any greeting between men and women, the woman must extend her hand first. If she does not, a man should bow his head in greeting.

7 Business conduct in Egypt. Egyptians prefer to do business with those they know and respect, therefore expect to spend time getting to know them on a personal level before business is conducted. Who you know is more important than what you know, so it is important to network and cultivate a number of contracts.. Expect to be offered coffee or tea whenever you meet someone, as this demonstrates hospitality. Even if you you do not want it, always accept the beverage. Declining the offer is viewed as rejecting the person.. Egyptians judge people on appearances wear conservative clothes and present yourself well.

8 Cont.. Egyptians believe direct eye contact is a sign of honesty and sincerity, so be prepared for intense stares.. Egyptians are emotional and use hand gestures when they are excited. In general, they speak softly, although they may also shout or pound the table. This is not indicative of anger it, it is to demonstrate a point.. You should demonstrate deference to the most senior person in the group, who will also be their spokesperson. This is a country where hierarchy and rank are very important.. The ultimate decision will fall on the most senior person in the group.

9 Business meetings -Appointments are necessary and should be made in advance. -Confirm the meeting one week in advance. -Reconfirm again a day or two before the meeting. -Meetings are generally not private unless there is a need to discuss matters confidentially. -In general, Egyptians have an open-door policy. This means you may experience frequent interruptions. -Others may even wander into the room and start a different discussion. -It's not uncommon to see a women in a business situation -Business meetings generally start after discussion about family. -If you send an agenda and presentation materials in advance of the meeting, send both an English and Egyptian Arabic translation.

10 Gift giving in Egypt. Flowers are said to be for weddings and funerals if you are giving a gift bring chocolate or other food.. Do not bring alcohol because it is against most religions to drink in Egypt.

11 Zimbabwe as a Business Culture

12 Background on Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe strived to achieve gender equality since its political independence. The country, itself, has fought for many years for the removal of all sex discrimination forms. Over the years, from the 1980s to the 2000s, Zimbabwe has come up with numerous policies and acts in regards to discrimination among women and race. The National Gender Policy in March of 2004 was created to give men and women the equal opportunity in decision making in all areas and all levels. **Zimbabwe, also known as the Republic of Zimbabwe**

13 Business Etiquette & Protocol Zimbabweans are transactional and do not establish personal relationships before conducting business. Their communication style is more formal than informal and most prefer face to face meetings than communication such as emails, letters, or phone calls. Personal business relationships are very important to Zimbabweans because upon meeting, they establish a personal thought to determine if you are trustworthy or not. **The men in Zimbabwe always wear dark colored business suits, and the women on the other hand always wear elegant business suits or dresses

14 The Zimbabwean’s Language Zimbabweans happen to speak numerous amounts of different languages, but the main languages that are spoken there are English, Shona, and Ndebele; English being their official language. **This is the Shona language alphabet…

15 The Economy of Zimbabwe The economy in Zimbabwe consist of natural resources such as diamonds, ferrochrome, gold, silver, platinum, copper, asbestos, nickel, graphite, coal, lithium and about 156,000 sq. km. of forest **These are considered to be all of the right ingredients to create the perfect product!!! Gold SilverPure gold

16 ….and the Zimbabwe Industries The Zimbabwe industries consist of manufacturing, public admissions, mining, transportation, communication, and commerce. The U.S. exports about $67.6 million and imports $58.9 million in trade with Zimbabwe; the main industries that import/export goods are machinery and transport equipment. **Industries in Zimbabwe as of right now.

17 Spirituality/Religion in Zimbabwe Zimbabweans stand strongly behind what they believe in and they never let go of faith. They are dedicated to their religion and their ancient rites and rituals, and also look at their religion for comfort, guidance, and justice. Witchcraft, traditional cleansing and even murder is used to deal with misfortunes, diseases and perceived misdeeds. **They let their faith guide them through

18 Tunisia

19 Religion Similar to Egypt the main religion of Tunisia is Muslim, almost 98 %. Similarly this means that Ramadan is a big part of expanding into African countries.

20 Relationships In order to be in business with a Tunisian you must have a relationship with them first, they won’t even begin a business venture until they know you. Also like the Egyptians they have a similar open door policy, there may be interruptions the whole duration of a meeting. It is considered polite to join into the new conversation but it is rude to bring up the old conversation. Upon meeting a handshake is the proper way, a woman must always extend her hand first and if not then the man must bow in acknowledgement.

21 Languages Most business is conducted in French which is quite fortunate. Other languages that are spoken though are –Arabic –English

22 Opportunities Recently Tunisia has become a country that could be easily influenced and molded/helped due to their recent political issues. Most are literate and education is very important this means Excel would have great opportunities in Tunisia.

23 Kenya

24 Religion Half of the population is Christian Ten percent are Muslim Some small groups of other religious views

25 Business When doing business with companies from Kenya they tend to be more personal than usual. They are very professional and take their work very seriously They speak all different languages but have very good English and like to work with American companies. With this information, Excel would be a great company to start here. The people would be able to run it efficiently and successfully.

26 Kenya’s Ethics Kenya companies are very successful and they believe in working hard and providing for their families. They also respect their woman and don’t have segregated jobs for men and women as some other countries do. Kenya companies tend to do business more with companies they know and have known for along time. They can respect them and know that they can trust them as a company. This is because of the tribal views and opinions of many that live there.

27 Business In Africa After speaking of Egypt, Zimbabwe,,Tunisia, and Kenya we have come to a conclusion that Africa would be perfect for the expansion of Excel. This continent holds a very diverse workforce and is respected when it comes to power. Among the different countries in Africa, we have discuss the differences from the research we have gained, but we have also discussed the similarities. Although the languages differ in each country, we have come to the conclusion that English is spoken widely throughout Africa. Expanding Excel over to Africa could prove that Excel can be an international business and we can adapt to the different diversities. Africa could possibly offer Excel the learning experience of establishing relationships before conducting business, so that we will be able to build that trust and have that unity that Africa has. With the different resources that Africa has to offer, we say go forward with Africa and create new services/products that could help them and also help us!

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