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Defining Ourselves: I-O Psychology’s Identity Quest By: Dr. Ann Marie Ryan Discussion by: Matt Brown.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining Ourselves: I-O Psychology’s Identity Quest By: Dr. Ann Marie Ryan Discussion by: Matt Brown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining Ourselves: I-O Psychology’s Identity Quest By: Dr. Ann Marie Ryan Discussion by: Matt Brown

2 Symptoms of Our Identity Problem  Concerns about the visibility of the field.  “When CNN reports on issues they should go to SIOP to ask for an expert to provide fact-based commentary on the subject.”  How well we are differentiated from other like disciplines.  “We need to define and advertise what really distinguishes our society and service from the throng of MBAs.”  Not perceived as positively as competitors in the marketplace.  “I see other professionals making inroads into service areas that I believe I-O psychologists are better trained to deliver.”  How we fit within the broader field of psychology.  Quit consciously distancing ourselves from the APA, even if others in psychology ignore our existence.  How well our name conveys who we are.  “Industrial-Organizational psychology is almost unintelligible to anyone outside our discipline!”  Concerns for future generations of I-O psychologists.  New PhDs may seek an academic career path that does not include teaching.

3 What Actions Can We Take in This Quest for Identity?  Create solidarity around a set of distinctive, core attributes to clearly state what our identity is.  Application of psychological principles to the workplace.  Scientific approach makes us different from others.  Maintain our goal of enhancing the effectiveness of the organization AND the well-being of individuals.  Operate with an implicit multilevel model.  Individual behavior and attitudes are influenced by not only individuals but by teams and organizations.  Know how to define ourselves.  Keep in mind that identity comes from knowledge, not practice.  Educate the fundamental that knowledge base and research are the core components of training.  Continue to develop our own unique knowledge base.

4 What Actions Can We Take in This Quest for Identity?  Match our external image to our identity, not what “they” are looking for.  We choose what to focus on, not the business world.  Consider who we want to be known to.  Educate everyone because anyone who works can and will be affected by I-O psychology.  Choose our comparators and dimensions of comparison thoughtfully.  Interaction with SHRM and the Academy of Management is good, but SIOP should not substitute their identity for our own.  Change the name to something that better conveys who we are.  Could be helpful but not a priority to address the challenges.  Manage multiple identities within the organization.  Recognize and work with multiple synergies rather than compartmentalizing them.  E.g. scientist, practitioner, HR generalist, management consultant

5 What is SIOP Doing to Meet These Challenges?  Name change discussions  Press releases  PR person  Media referrals  Brochures  Workplace toolkits  Website enhancement  Respond whenever other psychologists ignore our existence.

6 What Can You Do?  Be willing to identify yourself as an I-O psychologist.  Don’t assume people know what you do.  Talk to others about our profession.  Ex. Media, local HR, businesses, students  Stay active.  Ex. Publish in journals with audiences in other areas of psychology.  Ensure new entrants to the field are socialized to the values with which we identify ourselves by.  Do research that shows value added by our perspective.  Show that our field deserves attention by doing your job well.

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