McCARTHYISM AND THE CRUCIBLE. DEFINITION McCarthyism - the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, esp. of pro- Communist activity, unsupported.

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2 DEFINITION McCarthyism - the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, esp. of pro- Communist activity, unsupported by proof Named after Senator Joseph McCarthy, a Republican from Minnesota in the 1950s.

3 Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in 1952 during the height of the McCarthy hearings. The play is often seen as an allegory (a literary work in which characters and events stand for something else). It criticizes the “witch hunts” of McCarthyism that Miller saw as similar to the “witch hunts” in Salem.

4 BACKGROUND During WWII, the Soviet Union joined the United States and the rest of the Allies in defeating Nazi Germany. In fact, without the help of the Soviets on the Eastern front, the outcome of WWII may have been different. They were Communists, but we were allies. U.S. and Soviet troops meet in Germany at end of WWII.

5 THE RISE OF STALIN However, soon after the war, Joseph Stalin’s intent to spread Soviet control became clear. Coupled with the tyranny he held over his own people, Americans soon began to fear Stalin and his Communist government. Joseph Stalin

6 COMMUNISM DEFINITION According to Karl Marx: A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. (no private property; the workers in control) Karl Marx in a good mood.

7 COMMUNISM DEFINITION As practiced in the USSR under Stalin: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state- owned means of production (one party control; government controls ALL aspects of life) Workers in a Soviet labor camp.

8 THE RED SCARE Caused by: Soviet expansionism Stalin’s tyranny Communism in China Worries that the US is losing power Results in: Fear that communism poses a threat to our way of life. Fear of communist agents working in the U.S.

9 THE RED SCARE Fear focused attention on Communist party in the U.S. (although party membership was never illegal) and possible communist influence in the entertainment industry, the labor unions, and the government.

10 HOUSE UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (HUAC) vs. the FILM INDUSTRY In 1947, HUAC began investigating the movie industry for evidence of communist influence. Ten of those initially called to testify refused to answer any questions (the Hollywood 10). Some like actor Larry Parks admitted his communist party membership but refused to name others. During questioning by HUAC, Parks said, “I would prefer not to mention other people’s names. Don’t present me with the choice of either being in contempt…or forcing me to really crawl through the mud to be an informer.”

11 THE BLACKLIST Those identified as communist party members (even in the distant past) and those who refused to cooperate were placed on a “blacklist” and could not work in the entertainment industry again. The motion picture industry cooperated with the blacklist. OVER 320 NAMES PLACED ON THE BLACKLIST - including Arthur Miller, Richard Wright, Paul Robeson, Leonard Bernstein, Orson Wells, and Charlie Chaplin. Many left the U.S. to work elsewhere; many never worked in the entertainment industry again (or worked under pseudonyms).

12 ONE WAY OUT To keep your name off the blacklist: confess to any contact you had with the Communist party (however long ago and insignificant) AND NAME NAMES! Ronald Reagan testifies as a “friendly” witness before HUAC.

13 ANTI-HUAC PROTEST Even in the atmosphere of fear created by HUAC, some still had the courage to speak out.

14 SENATOR JOSEPH MCCARTHY On February 9, 1950, McCarthy, a Republican, claims to have a list of 205 State Department employees who are members of the Communist Party. (Later, he reduced that number to 57). This was while Truman, a Democrat, was president, so the State Dept. was under his control. McCarthy’s claims were used to discredit Truman.

15 MCCARTHY’S RAMPAGE For the next 2 years, McCarthy’s Senate committee investigated many government departments and questioned many government employees about their political past. Many lost their jobs when they admitted that they had been party members. Again, the only way to prove that you were no longer a communist was to NAME NAMES!

16 THE END OF MCCARTHY McCarthy’s attempts to accuse the Army of infiltration by subversives enrages both President Eisenhower and the Army. Even fellow Republicans now attack and discredit McCarthy. McCarthy’s Senate investigation of the Army was televised and McCarthy’s tactics were exposed. One newspaper reported, “In this long, degrading travesty of the democratic process McCarthy has shown himself to be evil and unmatched in malice."

17 FINAL DAYS Embarrassed by McCarthy’s behavior, the Senate voted 67- 22 to condemn his conduct. His power base in the Senate was gone, but his legacy of anti- Communism continued to influence policy in the U.S. for many years.


19 WHY MILLER WROTE THE CRUCIBLE Miller was a victim of HUAC himself; he was blacklisted. His plays were still performed in theaters, but he did not write for films until 1961 after the blacklist was finally lifted. When called before HUAC, Miller refused to name names, but he was aware of the pressures that were applied to witnesses called by the committee and the fear that sometimes led them to cooperate.

20 THE CRUCIBLE and McCarthyism Miller saw similarities between the Salem witch-hunt of the 1690s and the anti- communist witch-hunt of the 1940s and 50s. The Crucible allowed him to point out the hysteria, betrayal, and idiocy of his own time through a play about Puritans. Miller’s intent in writing the play was to make sure that the dark days of McCarthyism were not forgotten. As he said, “If I hadn’t written The Crucible that period (McCarthyism) would be unregistered in our literature…”

21 Similarities Between Salem Witch Hunt and McCarthyism 1) Unsubstantiated (hearsay) evidence 2) To protect themselves, witnesses accused others (so named names) 3) Atmosphere of fear and hysteria 4) Bullying “prosecutors” (esp. McCarthy) 5) Political motivation (strengthening the theocracy/undermining Dem o cratic president) 6) Ruined lives

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