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NARRATIVE WRITING PRE-TEST Thursday, August 20, 2015 MYP English 1, 2.

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1 NARRATIVE WRITING PRE-TEST Thursday, August 20, 2015 MYP English 1, 2

2 OBJECTIVE, AGENDA, & HOMEWORK Objective: I will demonstrate my current knowledge of narrative structures and craft tools. Agenda:  Collect Homework  Narrative Writing Pre-Test  Mail Call Homework:  Honors:  Have 2 composition notebooks by Monday  Bring student ID on Monday  Non-Honors: Have a 3-subject notebook by Monday

3 NARRATIVE WRITING PROMPT Tell me a story about a memorable or important moment from your past. Be sure to use your best narrative writing skills.

4 MAIL CALL Get into 5 groups. In your group, discuss problems you have seen in classrooms before (consider: student behavior, teacher helpfulness, procedures/smoothness of lesson, etc.). Determine ONE problem that your group thinks is the most distracting for learning. Each group will have a colored envelope. One person should be the recorder, and one person should be the hopper. On the front of the envelope, the recorder should write the problem your group agreed on. The hopper will take the envelope to the next group. (Group 1 to Group 2; Group 2 to Group 3). Once your group has a new envelope, read the problem on the outside. As a group, brainstorm as many possible solutions to the problem as you can think of. Meanwhile, the recorder will take out one blank index card from inside the envelope and record the ideas. Your group will have 3 minutes to do this before passing the envelope to the next group for a new problem.

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