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Seraphim: angels closest to God’s throne. greatest intellect, love only task is to love and worship God.

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5 Seraphim: angels closest to God’s throne. greatest intellect, love only task is to love and worship God

6 Cherubim: angels of wisdom guardians and protectors were at Garden of Eden protect Arc of Covenant Thrones: God accomplishes his judgements through these angels Always depicted as kneeling to show adoration

7 Dominions: Always shown in royal gowns and wearing crowns. Movers of stars and planets Govern over all creation Virtues: charged with dispensing celestial miracles accomplish stupendous works

8 Powers: Restrain the works of the evil spirits Govern over remaining angels. Principalities: Always shown with scepters. Direct the remaining angels in doing God’s will Countries are assigned principalities

9 Archangels: chief angels mentioned in the bible. Messengers of God Carry out what needs to be cone. Angels: lowest order of angels given to each person to guide them in the ways of God and protect us from harm.


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