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Connor Sakis, Andrew Wilt, John Dolan, and Alec Sweeting.

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1 Connor Sakis, Andrew Wilt, John Dolan, and Alec Sweeting



4 What you just saw is a gay teen who had thoughts of suicide due to bullying. Many people have no idea how common this is. There are a great number of kids who follow through with their plans.

5 Tyler Clementi Tyler killed himself by jumping off of the George Washington Bridge on September 22, 2010. He was gay.

6 Justin Aaberg He killed himself in July of 2010. He was openly gay.

7 Jamey Rodemeyer The 14 year old also killed himself due to bullying. He was harassed for years due to being gay.

8 Social media is used as a platform for bullying, which may lead to the suicide of the victim.

9 To stop this problem, you can do many things. If you see a peer being bullied, then you should do something to make them more comfortable or to give them a friend to talk to.

10 The school district can also help stop bullying. They can keep the police and parents posted on bullying problems and try their best to stop it as soon as they are able too.

11 Although bullying of gays that leads to suicide is happening, we can do things about it. You should try your best to make a difference in your community.

12 Citations Aradillas, Elaine, and Moira Bailey. "Bullying: A Special Report: What My Child Taught Me." People Weekly 17 Oct. 2011: 84. InfoTrac Junior Edition. Web. 9 Mar. 2012. Cloud, John. "When Secrets Go Viral." Time 11 Nov. 2011: n. pag. InfoTrac Junior Edition. Web. 11 Mar. 2012.. Egan, Nicole Weisensee. "Missing Tyler." People Weekly 19 Dec. 2011: 84. InfoTrac Junior Edition. Web. 8 Mar. 2012.. Everett, Alison Delsite. "Bullied to death: how you can help stop another tragedy." Boys' Life Apr. 2009: 38+. InfoTrac Junior Edition. Web. 8 Mar. 2012.. Teitel, Emma. “Bullying 2.0 is more like a drama class.” Maclean’s 17 Oct. 2011: 14. InfoTrac Junior Edition. Web. 11 Mar. 2012.. Fowler, Joanne. “Bullying Prevention: Lean on Me.” People Weekly 7 Mar. 2011: 119. InfoTrac Junior Edition. Web. 11 Mar. 2012..

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