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NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Update of the NASA GPM and Precipitation Products and their Availability.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Update of the NASA GPM and Precipitation Products and their Availability."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Update of the NASA GPM and Precipitation Products and their Availability Presented to CGMS-43 Working Group II session, Agenda Item WGII/5 Presented By: Jack Kaye, NASA Headquarters Report Prepared By: Erich Franz Stocker, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

2 NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Background  During 2014 and early 2015 NASA had two dedicated precipitation missions in science operations  In July 2014 TRMM ran out of fuel and began its descent  April 8, 2015 all science instruments were turned off and the TRMM science mission ended  Mid June 2015 TRMM will reenter the Earth’s atmosphere  GPM launched on February 28, 2014 (Japan date) from Tanegashima Space Center  By March 8 both the GMI and the Dual-Frequency radar were in science operations mode  At request of applications users as well as readiness of algorithms GMI level 1 brightness temperatures were made publicly available in June 2014 (3 months ahead of the planned schedule)  In July 2014 GMI “at launch” precipitation retrievals were made publicly available (2 months ahead of schedule)  In September 2014 radar and combined precipitation retrievals made publicly available (on schedule)

3 NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS GPM Data Available  All data is available under the NASA open data policy: All data is free to all users  Near realtime  GMI level 1B brightness temperatures within 1 hour of data collection 90% of time  GMI level 2 precipitation retrievals using GPROF algorithm within 1 hour of data collection 90% of time  Partner 1C intercalibrated brightness temperatures latency as provided by partners  Partner GPROF precipitation retrievals latency tied to partner 1C  Radar: L2 Ku band, Ka band, dual-frequency Ku/Ka  Combined: Ku/Ka/GMI latency within 180 mins of data collection 90% of time  IMERG: all radiometers merged.1 deg x.1 deg half-hourly gridded o Early: currently 6 hours from data collection o Late: currently 16 hours from data collection  All access via ftp focus on retrieval through scripts

4 NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS GPM Data Products Available  Research quality production products  L1B: GMI and Ku/Ka radar  L1C intercalibrated brightness temperatures from all partner radiometers  GMI and partner radiometer GPROF precipitation retrievals at instrument field of view  L3 daily and monthly.25o x.25o GMI and partner gridded precipitation retrievals  L2 Ku/Ka/dual-frequency precipitation retrievals at the instrument field of view  L3 daily (ascending and descending) and monthly.25o x.25o gridded radar precipitation retrievals  L2 combined GMI/radar precipitation retrieval at the resolution of Ku and Ka  L3 daily and monthly.25o x.25o gridded combined GMI/radar precipitation retrievals  L3 IMERG final prod uct (because of ancillary data comes out 3 months after data collection  After the first GPM based reprocessing, all partner data including TMI will be reprocessed back to 1998 using the new GPM algorithms

5 NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Access to the Data  Must be registered  To support gathering usage statistics  To receive information of data product and system status  Online registration available:  Access data with a search and query interface and establish special or standing orders:  All data is always online and registered users can also access directly via ftp  Production data on:  NRT data on:  Questions about products etc can be sent to helpdesk@pps-

6 NASA, CGMS-43, May 2015 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Five Year Forecast  Continue to support the TRMM mission through ~February 2016 when final descent into atmosphere will likely occur  Merge the ongoing processing TRMM data into the GPM data stream so that TRMM data always reflects the latest GPM algorithm development  Support 2 years of initial GPM mission and approved 2 years of extended GPM mission  Carry out the first full GPM reprocessing (occurs after processing a minimum of 1 year of GPM data)  Add new radiometers as they are launched (either conical scanners or cross-track scanners)  Provide additional formats of output or on user demand output  Modify the intercalibration of partner radiometers as partners make changes or xcal makes table changes  Continually ensure that GMI calibration is fully understood and always maintained at highest level through continual monitoring and trending

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