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SEMINAR STIINTIFIC 28.06.2011: Prezentarea Raportului Intermediar II de Cercetare Postdoctorala : “COMPARAREA MODELULUI DE RSC DIN ROMANIA CU CELE DIN.

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Presentation on theme: "SEMINAR STIINTIFIC 28.06.2011: Prezentarea Raportului Intermediar II de Cercetare Postdoctorala : “COMPARAREA MODELULUI DE RSC DIN ROMANIA CU CELE DIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEMINAR STIINTIFIC 28.06.2011: Prezentarea Raportului Intermediar II de Cercetare Postdoctorala : “COMPARAREA MODELULUI DE RSC DIN ROMANIA CU CELE DIN ALTE TARI MEMBRE U.E.” Cercetator postdoctoral: Lect.univ.dr. Irina-Eugenia IAMANDI Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti Proiect de cercetare postdoctorala POSDRU/89/1.5/S/59184 Tutore: Prof.univ.dr. Ioan POPA

2 Structura prezentare 1. Principalele etape ale raportului intermediar II de cercetare postdoctorala 2. Prezentarea lucrarii intitulate “Reporting about Corporate Social Responsibility in Romania: Challenges and Opportunities in an European Context”, Conferinta ICEA-FAA 2011, 03.06.2011

3 Principalele etape ale raportului intermediar II de cercetare postdoctorala Partea I:

4 Principalele etape ale raportului intermediar II de cercetare postdoctorala A.Descrierea stadiului cercetarii din cadrul proiectului initiat B.Originalitatea, relevanta si actualitatea continutului stiintific C.Contributia cercetarii la atingerea obiectivelor generale ale proiectului D.Metodologia cercetarii E.Publicatiile din cadrul proiectului F.Interactiunea cu ceilalti cercetatori din cadrul proiectului.

5 E.Publicatiile din cadrul proiectului  Theoretical and Practical Overview of ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility Application at the European Level  The Application of Corporate Social Responsibility Models in Romania in the Context of the Post-Accession to the European Union  Strategic Approach of Corporate Social Responsibility Key-Drivers for Increasing Competitiveness at the European Level  Strategic Priorities for Socially Responsible Investments in Romania  Reporting about Corporate Social Responsibility in Romania: Challenges and Opportunities in an European Context  Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport: An Economic Challenge at European Level  The Corporate Social Responsibility Model in Romania: A Theoretical and Practical Approach for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

6 Prezentarea lucrarii intitulate “Reporting about Corporate Social Responsibility in Romania: Challenges and Opportunities in an European Context”, Conferinta ICEA-FAA 2011, 03.06.2011 Partea a II-a:

7 REPORTING ABOUT CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN ROMANIA: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN AN EUROPEAN CONTEXT Irina-Eugenia IAMANDI Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies 3rd International Conference on Economics and Administration – ICEA-FAA 2011 June 3rd-4th, 2011 University of Bucharest, Romania – Faculty of Business and Administration Bucharest, Romania

8 Objectives of the paper  To present the general framework of CSR reporting in Romania vs. EU  strategic recommendations  To delineate the strong & weak points of CSR reporting in Romania  To emphasize the corporate focus on specific projects  To offer a set of strategic recommendations for consolidating the competitive role of CSR reporting  To analyze the corporate involvement in different projects and the budgets assigned to social causes.

9 Structure of the paper 1. Introduction 2. Literature review: The CSR reporting process 3. Data methodology and theoretical background 4. CSR reporting in Romania 5. Conclusions and implications.

10 1. Introduction  The broad impact of companies on the society  The advantages of CSR for all the implied parties  The way in which companies could take advantage of their socially responsible actions  to report on CSR  The necessity of a common framework for CSR reporting  Poor CSR reporting in Romania  The CSR reporting process in Romania: Analysis conducted on 40 responsible companies.

11 2. Literature review: The CSR reporting process  CSR reporting: economic, environmental & social performance  Sustainability reporting: measurement difficult to be achieved  External pressure from various stakeholders  GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (3.1, 2011)  Differences at the European level between Western and Central & Eastern European companies.

12 3. Data methodology and theoretical background (1)  Analysis of CSR reporting in Romania:  The 40 companies currently enrolled on the site  Companies grouped by authors on 13 fields of activity  Dimensions of the analysis:  Types of projects considered  Allocated budgets.

13 3. Data methodology and theoretical background (2)

14 3. Data methodology and theoretical background (3)  Types of projects considered:  Educational projects  Cultural projects  Environmental projects  Social projects  Human rights projects  Sport projects  Allocated budgets:  During 2004-2010 period (only public data).

15 4. CSR reporting in Romania  Primary importance CSR supported projects (findings):  Educational projects (35/40)  Social projects (31/40)  Environmental projects (29/40)  Secondary importance CSR supported projects (findings):  Cultural projects (21/40)  Sport projects (16/40)  Human rights projects (5/40).

16 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the pharmaceuticals field (1) InvolvementBudgets

17 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the financial services field (2) InvolvementBudgets

18 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the oil & gas field (3) InvolvementBudgets

19 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the communications field (4) InvolvementBudgets

20 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the constructions field (5) InvolvementBudgets

21 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the food & beverages field (6) InvolvementBudgets

22 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the utilities field (7) InvolvementBudgets

23 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the appliances field (8)  N/A InvolvementBudgets

24 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the cosmetics field (9) InvolvementBudgets

25 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the car production field (10)  N/A InvolvementBudgets

26 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the protection services field (11) InvolvementBudgets

27 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the tobacco field (12)  N/A InvolvementBudgets

28 4. CSR reporting in Romania in the software field (13) InvolvementBudgets

29 5. Conclusions and implications (1)  The responsible companies in Romania should:  Invest in the environmental protection  Support the most disadvantaged social categories  Invest in education and young talents  Invest in health and stimulate the civic behaviour  Have a coherent & constant CSR policy during the years  Be transparent and visible  Invest in CSR more than their competitors.

30 5. Conclusions and implications (2)  Problems associated with CSR in Romania:  Superficial corporate involvement  It does not tackle the causes of the social problems  Ignorance of important CSR projects  Lack of correlation between CSR projects and the main object of the corporate activity  Corporate overstatement regarding the self-promotion of responsible companies  Insufficiency of CSR budgets  Insufficient or incorrect communication policy regarding the CSR actions.

31 Acknowledgements: This work was co-financed from the European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, project number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/59184 “Performance and excellence in postdoctoral research in Romanian economics science domain”. Thank You!

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