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DD Progress Report 2. APPROX. % OF TOTAL PROJECT COMPLETE: –75% of the total project including documentation.

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Presentation on theme: "DD Progress Report 2. APPROX. % OF TOTAL PROJECT COMPLETE: –75% of the total project including documentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 DD Progress Report 2

2 APPROX. % OF TOTAL PROJECT COMPLETE: –75% of the total project including documentation.

3 LIST OF COMPLETED FEATURES: –List the features inside the Student App Logging into the system to take a test Reading and displaying information from the DB Saving to the DB Focusing on “wants” now, such as enlarging picture, etc. –Complete features for Admin app Questions and tests are displayed accurately. All queries are written and work correctly Admin Management interface is complete and reads from/writes to the DB. Logging into system Student Management

4 LIST OF FEATURES YET TO BE COMPLETED: –Admin Autograder Report generator

5 % COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION –50% or so. –Part of the documentation is the logs and source code, but a huge chunk is the actual user manual, which we have done nothing with.

6 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED AND SOLVED: –Database Permissions Issue Solved by creating master password and authenticating from an Admin users table. –QuestionsNotInTest Select Query Issue Awkward query to write. Involved writing a nested query built into the DB. Works now. –Reliance on Thomas After many sessions the rest of the team can work autonomously without incident.

7 PLAN FOR THE NEXT MONTH: In a nutshell, finish the project. Specifically, we need to complete the remaining aspects of the Admin app. Along with that, we need to begin thoroughly testing the database with all forms/aspects so that we can test multiple simultaneous connections (a pseudo field test, as it were). We also need to write the user manual and begin to compile our documentation together.

8 RISKS: –Problems with onsite compatibility

9 TOM: –WHAT AM I WORKING ON FOR THE NEXT MONTH: Finalizing work on the Main_Admin form so that testing may begin as soon as possible. Thoroughly testing the Admin connections to the DB, and generically trying to break the code to find errors. –APPROXIMATE MAN-HOURS TO COMPLETE: 10-20 –OBSTACLES: Work Classes

10 CHRIS: –WHAT AM I WORKING ON FOR THE NEXT MONTH: Report Generation of the Admin app. General testing. –APPROXIMATE MAN-HOURS TO COMPLETE: 10-20 –OBSTACLES: Distance from work, home, and school


12 MATT: –WHAT AM I GOING TO WORK ON OVER THE NEXT MONTH: Manual Grader (database side) Auto Grader Organize/Facilitate Meetings Delegate tasks and ensure completion Paper work Oversee everything… Testing –APPROXIMATE MAN HOURS TO COMPLETE: 15 hours –Obstacles: Marriage planning ROTC Classes Time..

13 Gantt Chart

14 Demo Show Demo

15 Questions?

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