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CALIFA - USC R&D activities: Designing and prototyping CALIFA a next generation calorimeter for R3B/FAIR Huelva July 07.

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Presentation on theme: "CALIFA - USC R&D activities: Designing and prototyping CALIFA a next generation calorimeter for R3B/FAIR Huelva July 07."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALIFA - USC R&D activities: Designing and prototyping CALIFA a next generation calorimeter for R3B/FAIR Huelva July 07

2 R3B calorimeter Total absorption efficiency 80 % (E   = 15 MeV lab) Very large crystals Energy of  sum  (E sum ) / < 10%(same as  E/E)  Multiplicity  (N  ) / < 10% Moliere Radius  E/E for  3 - 5 %Scintillation properties Detector granularity  E/E for p (up to 300 MeV) < 3 %Large crystals Dynamic range Main characteristics (from R3B Tech Proposal) : Large dynamic range for detecting  and p’s, Inner radius 35 cm (to enclose Si trackers) R&D on crystals + readout systems see -> calorimeter -> reports and talks Huelva July 07

3 Calorimeter sectors 8 8080 15 0 45 0 130 0 Three sectors identified when accounting of the Lorentz boost: Polar angle resolution   E CM = 10 MeV Emiter β = 0.82 Polar angle distribution Huelva July 07

4 PROTOZERO: Barrel Prototype The number of different sizes is minimized, matching the different requirements in function of polar angle (  ’s of different energy ranges). At this point, the collaboration decided to undertake a campaign of beam-tests --> PROTOZERO Type 5 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Huelva July 07

5 CsI(Tl) crystals for Protozero Crystal type-2 Bi-frustrum shaped Waiting for agreements with StGobain, Hilger, Scionix and IMP-Lanzhou(China) --> Price drop! Exit face fits to LAAPD S8664-2010 First prototypes done at Lanzhou (China) Huelva July 07

6 Califa’s Signal Processing  f = 912 ns  s = 3300 ns CsI(Tl) Pulse timing Oscilloscope single shoot Oscilloscope signal averaged Record length > 6  s is needed 1 GS/s is required if the signal is not shaped Huelva July 07 Fast fluctuations of the scintillation light

7 Proposed electronic chain for ProtoZero CsI(Tl) 13 cm LAAPD Hamamatsu S8664-1020 Spec. shapp.amp gammas CAEN V1729 CAEN V1729 Spec. shapp.amp protons VME crate GSI-MBS  Go4 NIM crate Dynamic range : < 10 4 Rate < 1kHz Sampling rate ~ 500 MS/s ?? Demonstrator meeting, Madrid May-09 Cremat CR110 Charge preamp

8 R3B-TofWall conceptual design (RPCs) Requirements for heavy-ions: - time resolution ~ 50 ps (15 m flight path -->  /  = 10 -3 ) - surface about 1.5x1.5 m 2 - position resolution around few milimeters - multi-hit capabilities Proposed solution: - multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) - 100x26 cm 2 modules (10 x segmented anodes 100x2.5 cm 2 ) - detection plane: 8 modules - three detection planes (rotated 120 o one respect to the other) - 3x160 electronic channels G10 Kapton® Cu foil Nylon(0,3m) +HV (soda-lime) glass (1 mm) Huelva July 07

9 Heavy ions tests beam tests requested to the GSI-PAC: 3 blocks of 8h beam were allocated for the RPC/TofWall R&D program three runs with 12C 500 MeV/u 1st time that RPCs are used for heavy-ions Huelva July 07

10 R3B-TofWall electronics Integrated electronics (ASIC) FEE+TAQUILA digitation card: ~ 20 ps STAR+TAQUILA FEE full developed at USC STAR+TAQUILA is developed at DVEE-GSI for FOPI FEE Huelva July 07


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