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 Polynomial – A monomial or a sum of monomials The standard form of a polynomial lists the terms in descending order of degree.

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Presentation on theme: " Polynomial – A monomial or a sum of monomials The standard form of a polynomial lists the terms in descending order of degree."— Presentation transcript:


2  Polynomial – A monomial or a sum of monomials

3 The standard form of a polynomial lists the terms in descending order of degree




7 Menu > 4 > 1 > 3 - Performs linear regression Home > Opens a graphing window Menu > 3 > 4 - Scatterplot Select x for x and y for y - Data for scatterplot Menu > 4 > A - Window to fit data

8 Menu > 3 > 1 - Function Graph Select f1(x) - Displays the linear regression

9 Cntrl > Left - Return to data Menu > 4 > 1 > 6 - Performs Quadratic Regression Select x for x and y for y, save to f2 Return to graphing window and activate f2(x) Which model is better, linear or quadratic?

10 Return to the data one more time This time, select Cubic model and save as f3(x) Can we do better than Cubic?








18  Relative Maximum, Relative Minimum – The greatest or least y-value among nearby points on a graph

19  Polynomial zeros– The factored form of a polynomial can help find the zeros of the function graph

20 Enter this into a new graphing page on the calculator

21 To view data points, Menu > 2 > 9 Move up and down to see the zeros Trace also finds zeros




25  Multiple Zeros– A polynomial that has more than one zero at the same x value  Multiplicity – The number of times a zero occurs at the same value




29  6-1 Polynomial Functions 2, - Work now with a calculator 3-24, first column  6-2 Polynomials and Linear Factors First column

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