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Changes in family patterns Family Diversity. 43UNQ&feature=related.

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1 Changes in family patterns Family Diversity

2 43UNQ&feature=related

3 Decline in marriage is a concern to social stability. Threats fall into: 1. Threats resulting from alternatives to marriage 2. The breakdown of marriage Evidence needs careful interpretation as the situation isn’t always as bad as it seems

4 CHANGES IN MARRIAGE RATES Many people are adopting alternatives lifestyles to marriage. 1980s Chester Marriage in the UK in decline. 1981 marriage rate 7.1 per 1,000 population in the UK per year. In 2001 marriage rate 5.1 per 1,000 population in the UK per year.

5 Chester did not see these figures as evidence for a decline in the popularity of marriage. Getting married later. Quote 1961: Av age for 1 st marriage 25.2 for women 2000: Av age for 1 st marriage 28.2 for women Benardes quote 1997

6 THREATS FROM ALTERNATIVES TO MARRIAGE - Cohabitation 25% of all unmarried men are cohabiting. Cohabitation has become more common: 1979-2001 saw a 22% increase in cohabitation rates. Morgan: This is a serious threat to marriage and a serious decline in family values

7 Sociologists views Chester: ~Chandler: Barlow:

8 THREATS FROM ALTERNATIVES TO MARRIAGE - Single person households Living on your own is an alternative to marriage. Either: A deliberate choice to live alone or.... 1961 4% of British households Single person households by 2002 this had gone up to...... However, single person households are normally temporary situations Bernades: “Abnormality” of marriage on own too long. Marraige is still “predominant idealogy.”

9 The breakdown of marriages The apparent rise in mariatal breakdowns is another risk to the institution of marriage. Marriage break downs are split into 3 categories: 1. Divorce 2. Separation 3. 3. empty shell amrriages

10 Divorce: 1911: 859 petitions for divorce were filed in England. ¾ granted. 1993 – 180,000 divorces 2000 – 155,000 divorces One of the highest rates of divorce in the Europe CHANDLER: 1993 “ if the present trend continues, 40% of all marriages will end in divorce.”

11 Separations: Judical separations are not as common as divorce 1972 - 133 separation orders granted 1984 – 4,455 separation orders granted 1998 – 600 separation orders granted.. Why?

12 Empty Shell marriages A high level of dissatisfaction within marriage. Stay married but are very unhappy. Goode: 1971 People used to stay together for tradition and family reasons rather than divorce. Empty shell marriages are not so common now, why?

13 Examine the evidence that suggests the institution of marriage is becoming less popular marriage is becoming less popular marriage is still popular

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