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Worst Spelling Mistakes You Should Never Do

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Presentation on theme: "Worst Spelling Mistakes You Should Never Do"— Presentation transcript:

1 Worst Spelling Mistakes You Should Never Do

2 A list Of Most Used Spelling Mistakes Now we are going to show you the most misspelt words in the English language. Want a bet? At least one of them you wrote with a mistake. Let’s check together. Unless you were using the online spelling spelling checker

3 1. TOMORROW That is one of the misspelt words. Some people write `tommorrow` or `tommorow`. It’s hard even to type these words, because powerpoint changes them to a normal one. But using this online spell checker is easier way to write without spell checker

4 2. ACCOMMODATE We suppose that people don’t know anything about English spelling checker. As well as they don’t know that accommodate has two C’s and two M’s. English spelling checker

5 3. TRULY We know the word – true. We know the word truth. However some people still write ‘truely’ and believe that it’s right. We’re sorry but that isn’t correct. And never was. Try this grammar and spelling checker to avoid such a mistake.grammar and spelling checker

6 4. SEPARATE Do you see the word above? How many E’s are there? Only two. But some folks write ‘seperate’ and think that is right. Fortunately, we have this amazing spelling checker free on the web. Check it now. spelling checker free

7 5. DEFINITELY There is no A in the word. Stop putting it there. You want to check my spelling? Do it right. The root is ‘finite’. Remember that.check my spelling

8 6. MISSPELL Correct word has two S’s. Free online spell checker won’t allow you to put more S’s in the word. Try it for sure.Free online spell checker

9 7. NECESSARY That might be a word that you write wrong. Stop now. Check this grammar and spell checker for free to write the best clean sentences. Are you ready to do it? Go ahead.grammar and spell checker

10 Check your Sentence on our website for free right now!

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