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Change Lives. Shape the Future. Make a Difference. Give Because UTEP Cares.

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Presentation on theme: "Change Lives. Shape the Future. Make a Difference. Give Because UTEP Cares."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change Lives. Shape the Future. Make a Difference. Give Because UTEP Cares

2 Dr. Ann Gates, Chair 747-7865 Dr. Patricia Nava, Vice-Chair 747-7689 Ana Arzola 747-7934 Dan Clouse 747-8001 Jaime Huerta 747-6335 Tessy Rappé 747-7865 Monica Rosskopf 747-7936 Patrick Chavez Combined Campaigns Manager for United Way

3  State legislation created the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) in 1993  Employees of state agencies, junior & community colleges, and universities across Texas  The State Employees Charitable Campaign is the only statutorily authorized workplace campaign for state agencies and higher education employees throughout Texas.

4  Occurs once a year in the fall  Provides state employees an opportunity to:  Learn about the variety of charities in the SECC  Choose they want to support  Complete a pledge form  One time gift by cash or check  Automatic deduction

5  Total employees: 4391  Total full time: ~2300  Number givers: 485  Participation: 11% (21%)  Per capita donation: $ 22.50 ($42.96)  2010 Total Pledges: $ 98,812.34  2009 Total Pledges: $ 121,748.18 Goal: 50%+ performance Pledges: $102,000 $150,000

6  Benefit of organizations to El Paso region  Provide a variety of vital health and human services  Improve the quality of life  Huge multi-billion dollar reductions in state funding  Impact on health and human services  Lack of other funding sources  Ability to claim a tax deduction

7  $2.00 per month (for one year):  Provides vital cancer survivorship information and support to 80 cancer survivors  Provides meals for homebound senior citizens for two weeks  $5.00 per month (for one year):  Provides 12 students with an interactive CD on college-age depression and suicide  Provides teaching materials for 30 at-risk students for one school year

8  $10.00 per month (for one year):  Provides 233 meals for hungry babies  Provides physical therapy sessions for patients with Multiple Sclerosis & Muscular Dystrophy  $20.00 per month (for one year):  Provides a full year of groceries for a homebound AIDS patient  Supports training in an environmental career for a person with a disability

9  Promote and publicize campaign  Approach employees in your department/unit  Distribute pledge forms and campaign materials  Collect all pledge forms from donors  Ensure pledge forms are filled out completely, signed, and the math is accurate  Give pink copy of pledge form to employee  Submit white and yellow copies of pledge forms to the Payroll Office on a weekly basis

10  One-time gift (check or cash)  Payroll Deduction  Spread deductions over a calendar year:  Campaign pools donations to make a more significant impact on causes you wish to help  Manages your own philanthropy  Know when deductions start and end  Saves time and takes little effort  Makes tax preparation easier  Deductions appear on W-2 form


12 Your gift may be designated to a single recipient or up to 6 agencies within a single federation

13 Make sure your total annual gift is calculated correctly ( total monthly gift x pay periods per year) Make sure this reflects the amount on the check or cash you desire to contribute Choose the # of months you want to contribute per year


15 Please check the charity is still listed

16  An automatic email will be sent to employees who made electronic payroll donations the prior year  Email will contain detailed instructions for processing the electronic form  Employees can select the charity and amount they wish to contribute through payroll deduction  Form must be emailed to  One time donations cannot be processed on the electronic form; a paper form must be used

17 Please check charity is still listed


19  Verify contributions stated on the list to the actual monies received  Keep Cash and Checks in a secure location  Enter cash donations in “One time SECC Donation Log”  Make checks payable to “SECC” and attach to the pledge form  Send e-mail for service to pick up pledge forms Email:  Coordinator and Courier will verify and sign for all cash and checks picked up  Courier will hand deliver to Payroll



22  Require donors to turn in pledge form directly to you  Employee should keep the pink copy only  Other copies will go the Payroll Office  Keep all forms together in an oversized envelope or file folder  Separate forms by pledge type:  Payroll Deductions  One-Time-Gifts

23  Review the materials and websites thoroughly  Explain the benefits of giving to charity  Review the charity codes--codes change from year to year  Ensure the donor signs the form  Turn in your pledge forms in a timely manner  Thank employees for their consideration  Remember that all contributions are voluntary

24  UTEP SECC Contact Information :  Phone: 747-5680  E-mail:  Address: ORSP, Admin 209  Webpages:  

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