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My Homestay trip in Austria 2014 By Nicole Doidge.

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1 My Homestay trip in Austria 2014 By Nicole Doidge

2 NFYFC Travel programme Representing NFYFC England and wales in Austria. I stayed in Austria for a total of 2 weeks, Which 10 days where spent with a host family. There was an option to stay for up to 6 weeks. The final 2 days I went exploring the capital by myself as I wanted to visit the oldest zoo in the world Tiergarten Schönbrunn. To see the Giant panda.

3 Why you should pick the travel programme Great way to see the sites of another country which you would not normal get to see. Get to experience their way of life and their culture. Be a part of their family and get involved in their way of life. Make new friends and contacts for life. Unforgettable memories and experiences. Very affordable. Cost= insurance, flights, participation fees. Ambassador for your country and NFYFC. Learn a new language.

4 The process Having never been on holiday I decided to go for it. No one from my club (Callington) had applied in 30 years. Everyone I spoke to said their biggest regret in YFC was not applying for the discovery programme. I did not want this to be mine. I had to fill out an application form. I was than invited to an interview in front of a panel of three judges. But don’t worry they are all very friendly. Whiles waiting for the results there was a whole day of fun activities from team building to presentations. It was a great opportunity to make friends with other people from a wide range of clubs. I travelled up in car with people I did not know, we are all good friends now!

5 Funding and Sponsorship I was lucky enough to win the homestay scholarship. I also received sponsorship from my club, and two local organisations. Organisations are always willing to promote the link between agriculture and young people. In return I promoted them in articles in local papers and magazines. Im also doing a presentation to one of the organisation members.

6 Austria Has a total land area of 83 879km and is land locked. Bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Hungary and Slovakia to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. Landscape is characterized by diversity. There are a range of lakes, forests, alps and mountains. Great for taking photos. Austria, along with neighbouring Switzerland, is the winter sports capital of Europe. Its popular for its historic cities and villages and hikes in the magnificent scenery of the Alps.

7 Arrival On Arrival to Vienna the capital of Austria I was met by Cornelia the national IFYE coordinator in Austria. There we went to the hostel and I was met by other exchanges from Switzerland, Chicago and one from England. There we had a day in Vienna site seeing. I met the president of Landjugend which is equivalent to our YFC. We played various team building games incorporating different skills like communication to help with staying with our host family’s.

8 Meeting my host family I had a 5 hour train journey to Klagenfurt, which is the capital of the federal state of Carinthia in Austria. There are 9 Federal states in Austria. On arrival I was met by my host family the Smole’s. The mum Karina was a Biologist, the dad Hemlut worked in communications. The daughter Viktoria was 14 years old and went to school. Their 3 year old son Matto. I stayed with them for 10 days. Their English was really good, so there was no need for my dictionary. I had my own room with bathroom. The photo to the right shows the warm welcome I received in my room.

9 Activities Through out my 10 days I went to lots of attractions and took part in various activities way to much for me to mention them all. I went to a body painting festival championship which are held there every year. 47 countries from across the world took part. We went hiking up Falkert. I went to PyramidenKogel the world’s highest wooden observation tower, Minimundus, Schonbrunn palace, and the Spanish riding school.

10 Iron man I helped at the Iron man competition. Which is a triathlon, consisting of a 2.4- mile swim, 112-mile bike and 26.2-mile run. 3000 athletes from 61 countries competed. I helped out at the running stage giving out wet sponges and drinks.

11 It was great fun and very inspirational but I don’t think you will get me doing it. The oldest competitor which finished was 77 years old and a lady that was blind also completed it. We than where invited back to the awards ceremony the next evening. I have never seen so much food placed out. There was a live band and fireworks. To the right im pictured with the winner.


13 Family life I went to work with the mum Karina, who is a Biologist. Where we got to monitor horseshoe bats in the grave yard at night. We got to hear them through a listening device. We went on a field trip looking for Dice snakes, which they regularly monitor. We found 3. I was part of there family and went on all their activities. Ranging from picking blueberries in the wood, to viktoria class party, going to her school and her horse vaulting practice.

14 I went to a Brettljause with members of their family. Which is where a farm will open up for a set time over the summer and serve their own produce. Brettljause is a cold meat served on a wooden platter. We cooked bread and sausages over the open fire I also cooked them a dish from my county the Cornish pasty. Here you can see us tucking into it. Surprisingly it did not turn out that bad.

15 Things I have learnt and going to bring back Never say NO! Just give it a go, you will be surprised! Austria does not have that many hedges along the edges of their fields. Roofs can even be made out of wood. Blinds are not always on the inside of the house but the outside to! Its really not that scary and if your stuck just ask some one they are always happy to help out.

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