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Please do not talk at this timeApril 16 Please get out your 19.5 Handout. I will collect your Cartoon Analysis on pg. 60 (we’ll do this today) and your.

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Presentation on theme: "Please do not talk at this timeApril 16 Please get out your 19.5 Handout. I will collect your Cartoon Analysis on pg. 60 (we’ll do this today) and your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please do not talk at this timeApril 16 Please get out your 19.5 Handout. I will collect your Cartoon Analysis on pg. 60 (we’ll do this today) and your 19.5 handout on Wed/Thurs. before the test. Please ADD today’s note to your 19.5 Cornell Notes. HW: Communist China Test (chapter 14.3, 17.2 and 19.5) Wed/Thurs & Essay on Mao on Friday.

2 Special Schedule Wednesday- Period 2 starts at 8:40- 10 minutes EARLY! Thursday- Period 1 starts at 8:00- 10 minutes EARLY!

3 Deng Xiaoping (1905-1997) ‏ Inheriting a China wrought with social and institutional woes left over from the Cultural Revolution and other mass political movements of the Mao era, Deng was the core of the "second generation" Communist Party leadership. He pioneered "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" and Chinese economic reform, also known as the "socialist market economy", and opened China to the global market. Deng is generally credited with developing China into one of the fastest growing economies in the world and vastly increased the standard of living. Deng Video 1Deng Video 1 Video 2Video 2

4 De-Maoization ► Agriculture ► Industry ► Science ► Defense “The 4 Modernizations” Progress in: Class struggle was no longer the central focus!

5 Gap Between Rich & Poor Deng: If you open a window, some flies naturally get in! The new Socialist economy encouraged some competition and trade. This allowed some Chinese to become wealthy, while others became poor, as happens in all economic competition. Deng Video 1Deng Video 1 Video 2Video 2

6 Primary Source Documents. We are just play testing this lesson. Please answer questions as we discuss these readings on a piece of paper in Bullet form.

7 Tiananmen Square, 1989 More democracy!

8 Tiananmen Square, 1989 Student activist, Wang Dan, Beijing University With the success of some limited Chinese style capitalism, many Chinese began to seek greater freedoms. In 1989, students organized a protest calling for the Chinese government to allow more free speech and to open China to democracy. These students met in Tiananmen Square in the heart of Beijing.

9 Tiananmen Square, 1989 Democracy—Our Common Ideal!

10 Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Government Clamps Down The Government ordered the Chinese Army to stop the protests at all costs. When calls for protesters to leave did not dispel the crowds, the soldiers were ordered to attack their own people. Journalists caught everything on film.

11 Please do not talk at this timeApril 17/18 Please get out your 19.5 Handout. HW: Essay on Mao on Friday. You will turn in your Mao chart with your essay.

12 Tiananmen Square, 1989 One Lone Man’s Protest

13 Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Massacre: The People’s Army Moves In

14 Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Massacre: A Human Body Crushed by an Army Tank Challenged by the civilian population of Beijing who were supporting their students, the Chinese tanks moved in, and over, Chinese citizens. 700 – 3000 Chinese people died in the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Many lost their lived because the open square was so packed with people, they couldn't move the crowd away from the advancing tanks. There was no where to go, and people on the edges, unaware of what was happening didn't know to move out of the way.

15 Tiananmen Square, 1989 The Army Looks for Dissidents



18 Economic and Social Reforms- 1992 -2000 ► A free market policy started ► Economic growth continues to increase ► After 1997, practicing capitalists are included in Communist party! ► China calls itself Communist, but has a mostly Capitalist economy.

19 The New China- 2000 - present ►In 2002, younger, liberal Chinese begin to replace the old order ►Government embraces Free Trade ►China's growth rate is very high (9%/year) ►China becomes a world power



22 Hu Jintao—President of China Hu joined the Communist Party at age 23. He graduated in 1965 with a degree in engineering and won a job at the university as a teacher and "political instructor" responsible for indoctrinating students in Marxist theory. In 1968, during the chaotic Cultural Revolution, Hu was sent to the remote and impoverished Gansu province to build houses for peasants displaced by a new dam. In 1984, Hu became leader of the Communist Youth League. Hu Jintao became president of the People's Republic of China in 2003, succeeding Jiang Zemin. One of Mr. Hu's few recorded sayings is that success in life "requires resolve, attention to concrete matters and courage in making decisions".

23 President Hu’s “China Model” ►dynamic economic growth ►personal but not political freedoms ►cultural enlightenment ►concern for the welfare of all citizens ►a free market energized by a vigorous nonpublic (i.e. private) sector ►unrelenting political and media control ►All of these lead to a “Harmonious Society.”

24 Hu Jintao Hu Putin Bush ►Dedicated to making China a world power ►Working for consensus, not as an authoritarian leader. ►Conservative but steady economic and social reforms ►Significant economic ties to USA and others ►Investment in 3 rd world nations, especially in Africa

25 Xi Jinping, China’s new president: March 14, 2013 He was elected by the People’s Congress and received 2,952 votes for, one vote against, and three abstentions. Xi was described in Washington Post article by those who know him as "pragmatic, serious, cautious, hard- working, down to earth and low-key." Xi was also described as a good hand at problem solving and "seemingly uninterested in the trappings of high office."

26 Xi is described as "the kind of guy who knows how to get things over the goal line.” Meeting together in the White House last year, President Obama also said it was "vital" that Washington maintained a strong relationship with Beijing. Mr Xi said he hoped his visit would deepen mutual understanding and friendship between the two powers.

27 2-deng-xiao-pings-legacy/ China looks more and more like the US


29 China Quiz! Please Turn in your 19.5 handout. Make sure you have your name on them!

30 China Mini Test- Please do NOT do Question 12. We will do #12 on Monday Please get out a piece of paper.

31 Mao Essay Materials You may use your MAO chart as you write your essay. You will only have one class period, so decide what you want to say ahead of time. You will turn in your Mao Chart with your Essay.

32 Mao Essay for Friday: A.Choose one specific program Mao took to improve China. Describe this program. Explain what it was supposed to do and how it was supposed to do it. B.Explain the effect of the program. Answer: How did it change the lives of average Chinese people. Cover at least 3 effects and use specifics and details in your explanation. C.Evaluate the success of this program. Did Mao accomplish what he wanted to accomplish? Say Why or why not.

33 A.Choose one specific program Mao took to improve China. Describe this program. Explain what it was supposed to do and how it was supposed to do it.



36 What programs could you choose? –Communist Revolution –Great Leap Forward –Cultural Revolution

37 B.Explain the effect of the program. Answer: How did it change the lives of average Chinese people. Cover at least 3 effects and use specifics and details in your explanation.



40 Communist Revolution –Increased health care –Increased literacy Great Leap Forward –People moved to communes –Peasants set to grow rice and make steel, but fail Cultural Revolution –Red guards formed to force equality

41 C.Evaluate the success of this program. Did Mao accomplish what he wanted to accomplish? Say Why or why not. Was Mao successful? How do you know? What is your evidence?

42 Please do not talk at this timeApril 19 Please get out your Mao Chart and your page of notes. Then get out 1-2 pieces of paper and something to write with for your essay. HW: Imperialism in India Handout.

43 When you are done, staple your essay, and Mao chart together and turn them in. Then get an Imperialism in India Review paper. Please do this paper for homework.

44 PS. STAR Testing next week Monday and Tuesday we will review for the STAR Test. Wed-Friday you will take STAR Tests. You Homework isn’t due until April 29.

45 Please do not talk at this timeApril 22 STAR Test Review HW: Imperialism in India Handout.

46 Please do not talk at this timeApril 23 STAR Test Review HW: Imperialism in India Handout.

47 STAR TESTS No Class April 24-26

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