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Blackbox Web Radio The Usage of Web Radio Channels in Germany: Program and Content in Saxony. Benjamin Bigl, M.A. & Markus Schubert, M.A. Mannheim (G.O.R.

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Presentation on theme: "Blackbox Web Radio The Usage of Web Radio Channels in Germany: Program and Content in Saxony. Benjamin Bigl, M.A. & Markus Schubert, M.A. Mannheim (G.O.R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackbox Web Radio The Usage of Web Radio Channels in Germany: Program and Content in Saxony. Benjamin Bigl, M.A. & Markus Schubert, M.A. Mannheim (G.O.R. 13 ), 5.3.2013 University of Leipzig Zentrum für Wissenschaft und Forschung Medien e.V. BEBE Medien GmbH KONTUR 21 GmbH Commissioned by the Saxonian Board for Private Broadcasting and New Media (SLM)

2 Overview Desk Research (22 web radio websites) Guided Survey (11 web radio providers) Content- and Program-Analysis (245 hours recordings) Survey of Saxons (CATI, N=2.000, of which are 280 listeners of web radios) Online Survey of saxonian webradio listeners (Online n=697, Group-Discussion n=28) Web Radio Stations in Saxony Who offers… …in which channel …to whom …what … …with wich effect?

3 Overview Desk Research (22 web radio websites) Guided Survey (11 web radio providers) Content- and Program-Analysis (245 hours recordings) Survey of Saxons (CATI, N=2.000, of which are 280 listeners of web radios) Online Survey of saxonian webradio listeners (Online n=697, Group-Discussion n=28) Web Radio Stations in Saxony Who offers… …in which channel …to whom …what … …with wich effect?

4 Module 3: Listeners of “Traditional” and Web Radio in Saxony Telephone Survey (CATI) Survey of Saxons (CATI, N=2.000, of which are 280 listeners of web radios)

5 Listeners of “Traditional” and Web Radio in Saxony Methodology Objective: representative, random based view on the range of online radio listeners Method: telephone survey of Saxons above 16 years CATI, N=2.000, of which are 280 listeners of web radio stations Variables: Used channels; importance of specific program elements, music, leisure time and individual lifestyles to create a user typology Awareness of webradio stations; usage frequencies (conventional radio programs vs. webradio), keyfigures of usage (time, days, situations, favorites) socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, education, income, occupation)

6 Saxon Radio Listeners Listeners, People aware vs. not aware of web radio CATI, N = 2,000 respondents representative in Saxony from 16 years, in thousands, rounding errors may occur, extrapolation by population in Saxony from 18 years ( Web radio listeners are respondents who are familiar with the radios and they have already heard. These listeners hear radios on average about 4 days a week, listening to Radio is generally an average of 6.3 days per week.

7 Saxon Radio Listeners Web radio awareness and favorite music CATI, N = 2,000 respondents representative in Saxony from 16 years, in thousands, rounding errors may occur, extrapolation by population in Saxony from 18 years ( Web radio listeners are respondents who are familiar with the radios and they have already heard. These listeners hear radios on average about 4 days a week, listening to Radio is generally an average of 6.3 days per week.

8 Selective, 17% Radio listeners profiles Listeners profiles in Saxony Need for entertainment analogous digital Entertainer, 26% Versatile, 34% Nostalgics, 23% Need for information Percentage of web radio listeners within the listener profile CATI, N = 2,000 respondents representative in Saxony from 16 years, of which 280 web radio users (14%) Percentages in the inner circles are shares of the web radio listeners within the listener profile

9 Selective, 17% Radio listeners profiles Listeners profiles in Saxony with favorite channels and the number of users Need for entertainment analogous digital Entertainer, 26% Versatile, 34% Nostalgics, 23% Need for information CATI, N = 2,000 respondents representative in Saxony from 16 years, of which 280 web radio users (14%) Percentages in the inner circles are shares of the web radio listeners within the listener profile Simulcast

10 Module 4: Listeners of Web Radio in Saxony Online Survey Online Survey of saxonian web radio listeners (Online n=697, Group-Discussion n=28

11 Listeners of Web Radio in Saxony Methodology Design Standardized online questionnaire(N=697) Five websites of saxonian web radio providers, E-mail snowballing, Facebook Ad Problematic issues Searchability, Accessibility, Comparability, Main criterion: localization Variables: General internet usage Socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, education, income, occupation) Usage and rating of web radio stations Broadest group of users (Weitester Nutzerkreis) of the previous 14 days Technical access Program preferences and individual importance of the program Interactive question: web radio listeners as program director

12 7 % TV 93 % WNK Listeners of Web Radio in Saxony Channels & Socio-demographic characteristics 60 % Higher education 32 age 10 % Webradio 14 % Mobile 53 % PC

13 Listeners of Web Radio in Saxony Listening times CATI, N=2.000 repräsentative (>16 years, in percent, multiple answers possible) Online, N=697 (>16 years, in percent, multiple answers possible)

14 Listeners of Web Radio in Saxony Comparison: listening times of web radio vs. „traditional“ radio usage CATI, N=2.000 repräsentative (>16 years, in percent, multiple answers possible) Online, N=697 (>16 years, in percent, multiple answers possible)

15 Listeners of Web Radio in Saxony Advantage of web radio usage Online, N=697 (>16 years, in percent, multiple answers possible)

16 Listeners of Web Radio in Saxony The ideal web radio program from users perspectives Online, N=450 (>16 years, in percent, multiple answers possible)

17 Summary Status quo and future of web radio usage in Saxony Hardly business plans, uncertain funding, 2/3 semi- professionals, mostly unfavorable advertising tactics. Program between stagnation and optimism, rising number of listeners/sales, two "lighthouses“ (90elf,, gradual professionalization, developing journalistic expertise Still a nischemarket (Amateursender) structure of program and content close to traditional fm-offerings (Semiprofis), potential to distinct from traditional fm-services, quality radio only in special interest programs Frequent use of simulcast services, habitualized usage of radio on a “new” channel, Web radio usage only if dissatisfaction with traditional FM offers exists. young, male, highly educated, technology enthusiastic, looking for alternatives for listening Seeking entertainment and information (Web) Radio usage depends on moods and interests Web Radios in Saxony Who offers… …in which channel …to whom …what … …with wich effect?

18 Conclusions 1. The market of web radio is still a nische-market Provider: few professional, several semi-professional, many amateur offerings; corresponding conditions regarding profuction and equipment Usage: user want a distinction from traditional radio (regarding access and usage: music AND information is preferred) 2. Stagnation but potentials in different fields Professionalization (production conditions), Education (e.g. University), Marketing/Advertising: Range of web radio, Funding: financial programs for start- ups needed 3. Nationwide follow-up study makes sense respect to further development, regarding technology and methodology (more points for measurement required) in relation to the situation in Saxony: exception or rule?

19 Christian Bollert, Benjamin Bigl, Marcus Engert, Hans-Jörg Stiehler & Markus Schubert (2012): Internetradios in Sachsen: Eine empirische Untersuchung sächsischer Webradioangebote mit: Zusammengefasste Ergebnisse der R@diostudie 2011. Berlin: Vistas.

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