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1 HB 1050537 Paul H. Kim. 2 Outline Case Presentation Case Presentation Teratomas Teratomas OGCT OGCT Mature cystic teratoma Mature cystic teratoma.

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Presentation on theme: "1 HB 1050537 Paul H. Kim. 2 Outline Case Presentation Case Presentation Teratomas Teratomas OGCT OGCT Mature cystic teratoma Mature cystic teratoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 HB 1050537 Paul H. Kim

2 2 Outline Case Presentation Case Presentation Teratomas Teratomas OGCT OGCT Mature cystic teratoma Mature cystic teratoma

3 3 HB 5 yo female 5 yo female 1 wk h/o abd pain, anorexia, subj fever 1 wk h/o abd pain, anorexia, subj fever Dx = flu, bladder infxn, a.appendicitis Dx = flu, bladder infxn, a.appendicitis OSH U/S = acute appendicitis OSH U/S = acute appendicitis PE = +guarding, +RLQ pain PE = +guarding, +RLQ pain WBC ~10, UA (-)ve WBC ~10, UA (-)ve Post-anesthesia exam Post-anesthesia exam –Mobile cystic mass in pelvis thought to be the bladder

4 4 DDx Acute appendicitis Acute appendicitis Gastrointestinal Bezoar Gastrointestinal Bezoar Ingested FB Ingested FB Ovarian Cystic Teratoma Ovarian Cystic Teratoma Ureterolithiasis Ureterolithiasis

5 5 Exploratory Laparoscopy

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9 9 Pathology Right ovary – mature cystic teratoma Right ovary – mature cystic teratoma –Ovary with primary & secondary follicles, cyst wall mix of keratinizing SCC, glial tissue, ependyma, hail follicles, SQ, bone, pigmented retinal cells, no malig cells Appendix – no transmural inflamm Appendix – no transmural inflamm Cytology – peritoneal fluid, no malig cells Cytology – peritoneal fluid, no malig cells

10 10 Post Op Labs Post Op Labs –Beta HcG < 1 –AFP < 0.8 –LDH 499


12 12 Teratoma Def: Def: –Embryonal tumors derived from 2 to 3 germ layers, differentiate into identifiable tissues & organs at ectopic locations Most common teratoma = sacrococcygeal Most common teratoma = sacrococcygeal –Teratomas ~3% of pediatric malignancies

13 13 Many teratomas produce elevated tumor marker Many teratomas produce elevated tumor marker   FP: produced by embroynal liver, intestine, & yolk sac (t ½ 5 d), should decrease to adult lvls by 8 months of age Eg, yolk sac tumors Eg, yolk sac tumors   Hcg: normally made by syncytiotrophoblasts (t ½ 16h), abnormal elevation indicates teratoma with choriocarcinoma Eg, choriocarcinomas Eg, choriocarcinomas


15 15 Ovarian GCT Intro Intro –2/3 all malignant ovarian tumors are GCT Teratoma is most common GCT Teratoma is most common GCT –Teratoma’s are embryonal tumors derived from 2 or 3 germ layers Ovarian teratomas contain 3 germ layers Ovarian teratomas contain 3 germ layers

16 16 OGCT Dysgerminoma Dysgerminoma Endodermal Sinus Tumor Endodermal Sinus Tumor Embryonal Carcinoma Embryonal Carcinoma Polyembryoma Polyembryoma Choriocarcinoma Choriocarcinoma Teratoma (im, mat, & monodermal) Teratoma (im, mat, & monodermal) Mixed forms Mixed forms Gonadoblastoma Gonadoblastoma

17 17 Ovarian Germ Cells No DifferentiationDifferentiation DysgerminomaEmbryonal CA Extra Embryonic TissueEmbryonic Tissue Teratoma Endodermal Sinus – Yolk Sac Tumor Choriocarcinoma

18 18 Incidence / Prevalence Incidence / Prevalence –Varies with age eg, <18 yo GCT comprise 60-74% of ovarian malignancies eg, <18 yo GCT comprise 60-74% of ovarian malignancies –GCT comprise 15-20% ovarian tumors for pts <20 yo & 60% of all ovarian tumors The younger the pt the more likely tumor is malignant The younger the pt the more likely tumor is malignant

19 19 Ovarian GCT = primordial germ cells Ovarian GCT = primordial germ cells –OGCT can be Malignant or Benign –Median size – 16 cm Common Characteristics Common Characteristics –Occur in young women & girls –Often produce tumor markers –Most common is Dermoid Cyst Dermoid Cyst = Mature Ovarian Teratoma Dermoid Cyst = Mature Ovarian Teratoma

20 20

21 21 Classification of Ovarian Teratoma Classification of Ovarian Teratoma –Mature cystic or solid, benign cystic or solid, benign –Immature Malignant Malignant –Degree of immaturity depends on cellular differentiation & foci of neuroepithelium –Monodermal / highly specialized Struma Ovarii Struma Ovarii

22 22 Ovarian Teratoma Ovarian Teratoma –Usually unilateral involvement, but up to 8-10% bilateral

23 23 Clinical Presentation Clinical Presentation –Abd mass &/or pain - 85% –Ascites – 20% –Rupture – 20% –Torsion – 20% –Fever or vag bleeding - 10%

24 24 OGCT Markers AFPhCGLDH Dysgerminoma-+/-+ Yolk Sac +-+ Imm Tera +/- +/-+/-+/- Mix GCT +/-+/-+/- ChorioCA-++/- Embry CA +/-++/- Polyembr+/-+_

25 25 Complications Complications –<1% malignancy –16% torsion –Rupture  granulomatous peritonitis


27 27 Mature Cystic Teratoma AKA Dermoid Cysts AKA Dermoid Cysts –Def: tumors that arise from totiopotential primordial germ cells that display all 3 germ layers –Dermoids comprise 38.6% of ovarian neoplasms & 57% pediatric GCT’s –80% dermoids occur during reproductive age

28 28 Prognosis Dermoid Cyst Prognosis Dermoid Cyst –~50% benign cysts resolve in few month –Malignant transformation is RARE 0.94% transformation into SCCa 0.94% transformation into SCCa –Tangjitgamol et al. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003 Jul- Aug;13(4):558

29 29 S/Sx: S/Sx: –Usually asymptomatic, incidental finding –Symptoms include abd pain, abd mass, abnormal uterine bleeding

30 30 Dx = Imaging Dx = Imaging –US, CT, MRI, Abd XR –Aspiration should NOT be done due to uncertainty of malignancy All germ layers represented on path All germ layers represented on path –Ectodermal, mesodermal, & endodermal

31 31

32 32 Complications Complications –Torsion Sx emergency Sx emergency –Most common complication of cystic teratoma Occurs more commonly in young due to excessively mobile mesovarium & fallopian tubes Occurs more commonly in young due to excessively mobile mesovarium & fallopian tubes Pain due to veno-occlusion with concurrent arterial perfusion  edema, distention, & hemorrhage Pain due to veno-occlusion with concurrent arterial perfusion  edema, distention, & hemorrhage

33 33 Complications (cont) Complications (cont) –Rupture –Malignancy Squamous cell most common Squamous cell most common Elevated AFP & HCG Elevated AFP & HCG –Survival is inversely proportional to grade of immature elements & stage of disease

34 34 Tx = cystectomy Tx = cystectomy –Mature teratomas are cured via Sx resection only –R/O peritoneal seeding since miliary & glial intraperitoneal implants have been obs with mature teratomas

35 35 Laparoscopy vs. Laparotomy Laparoscopy vs. Laparotomy –Cochrane Review: Laparoscopy had 8.3% Adverse events whereas Laparotomy had 21.7% Laparoscopy had 8.3% Adverse events whereas Laparotomy had 21.7% Laparoscopy has less post-op pain, fewer days in hospital Laparoscopy has less post-op pain, fewer days in hospital

36 36 References Tangjitgamol et al. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003 Jul- Aug;13(4):558 Tangjitgamol et al. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2003 Jul- Aug;13(4):558 Lazar EL, Stolar CJ: Evaluation and management of pediatric solid ovarian tumors. Semin Pediatr Surg 7(1):29-34, 1998 Lazar EL, Stolar CJ: Evaluation and management of pediatric solid ovarian tumors. Semin Pediatr Surg 7(1):29-34, 1998 Brown MF, Hebra A, McGeehin K, Ross AJ 3rd: Ovarian masses in children: a review of 91 cases of malignant and benign masses. J Pediatr Surg 28(7):930-3, 1993 Brown MF, Hebra A, McGeehin K, Ross AJ 3rd: Ovarian masses in children: a review of 91 cases of malignant and benign masses. J Pediatr Surg 28(7):930-3, 1993 Liu et al. Sudden onset of RLQ pain after heavy exercise. Am Fam Physician 2008 Aug 1;78(3):379- 80, 384 Liu et al. Sudden onset of RLQ pain after heavy exercise. Am Fam Physician 2008 Aug 1;78(3):379- 80, 384

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