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TypeScript: The Gateway Drug Whittaker.

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Presentation on theme: "TypeScript: The Gateway Drug Whittaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 TypeScript: The Gateway Drug Dealer: @Derik Whittaker

2 Why it’s a Gateway Drug

3 Definition: a habit-forming drug that, while not itself addictive, may lead to the use of other addictive drugs.

4 What is TypeScript?

5 A JavaScript SuperSet * Compiles down to pure JavaScript

6 All JavaScript is valid TypeScript

7 Not another Language like CoffeeScript || Dart

8 “What TypeScript does is, it basically formalizes a static type system that describes JavaScripts dynamic types. But it describes them at development time, not compile time” -- Anders Hejsberg

9 EcmaScript 4 & 6 Compliant * * Based on current proposals

10 Why use TypeScript?

11 Simpler Syntax ** Removes some fuggly from JavaScript **

12 Compile time Type Checking * * Type checking can be turned off

13 Compiles to compliant JavaScript

14 Improved Tooling inside VisualStudio

15 How to get TypeScript?

16 Install the Visual Studio plugin * Available at

17 Install the Node.js compiler * Available at

18 Install Web Essentials Plugin * Available at

19 Target Audience

20 Non-Traditional JavaScript Developers

21 Enterprise Scale Applications

22 Software Simplest

23 Language Features

24 Type Definition Files * Similar to C++ header files

25 Github Repository of Type Definition s * Available at

26 /// Source Dependencies

27 filtered = _.filter(filtered, (item: Models.UpcomingReminderModel) => { var forcastMatch = _.any(item.ForcastTypes(), (type: number) => { var typeMatch = type == rangeFilterKey; return typeMatch; }); return forcastMatch; }); private pageSize: number = 8; private activePage: number = 1; Type Checking

28 Lambda Syntax * Also called Arrow Syntax $.get(route).done((results) => { var convertedResults = []; });

29 Inheritance

30 Interfaces * Design time only constructs

31 Generics * Design time only constructs

32 Modules and Classes



35 Thank you! @derikwhittaker Hope you enjoyed the session!

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