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PUMAS P ractical U ses of M ath A nd S cience The On-Line Journal of Math and Science Examples for Pre-College Education Ralph Kahn, Editor.

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Presentation on theme: "PUMAS P ractical U ses of M ath A nd S cience The On-Line Journal of Math and Science Examples for Pre-College Education Ralph Kahn, Editor."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUMAS P ractical U ses of M ath A nd S cience The On-Line Journal of Math and Science Examples for Pre-College Education Ralph Kahn, Editor & Founder; Paul Przyborski, Web Developer

2 PUMAS P ractical U ses of M ath A nd S cience An On-Line Journal of Brief Examples Aimed at K-12 Teachers for Curriculum Enrichment Examples of Practical Uses Provided Mainly by Working Scientists Peer-Reviewed by At Least One Teacher and One Scientist Examples are keyed to the National Standards & Benchmarks Web Site Used for Dissemination Can Search by Curriculum Topic, Grade Level, Subject Key Words Users Can Post Comments and Experiences with Each Example Like most journals, Writing, Reviewing, Editing are Volunteered

3 RSIPUMAS R ole of S cientists I n PUMAS Contribute significantly to Science Education Provide Examples from Their Own Experience of How the Topics Covered in Pre-College Math and Science Classes Can be Used Make Grade-Appropriate Contributions using Curriculum Topic Benchmarks, Math & Learning Skills Tables, Interactions with Teachers & Students Review Examples for Accuracy and Completeness Spend Minimum Time on Logistics Not Attempt to Develop Entire “Curricula” Scientists are asked to contribute what they are best equipped to contribute PUMAS provides the infrastructure, connection to the curriculum, and the dissemination mechanism

4 SS S cience S tandards 1.Understands basic features of the Earth 2.Understands basic Earth processes 3.Understands essential ideas about the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth’s place in it 4.Knows about the diversity and unity that characterize life 5.Understands the genetic basis for the transfer of biological characteristics from one generation to the next 6.Knows the general structure and function of cells in organisms 7.Understands how species depend on one another and on the environment for survival 8.Understands the cycling of matter and flow of energy through the living environment 9.Understands the basic concepts of the evolution of species 10.Understands basic concepts about the structure and properties of matter 11.Understands energy types, sources and conversions, and their relationship to heat and temperature 12.Understands motion and the principles that explain it 13.Knows the kinds of forces that exist between objects and within atoms 14.Understands the nature of scientific knowledge 15.Understands the nature of scientific inquiry 16.Understands the scientific enterprise 17.Understands the nature of technological design 18.Understand the interactions of science, technology and society

5 S S tandard : Understands basic features of the Earth Benchmarks: Grade Level: Primary [K-2] S1.1.2Knows that water can be a liquid (e.g., rain) or a solid (ice) and can be made to go back and froth from one form to the other, but the amount of water stays the same S1.1.3Knows that weather changes some from days to day, but things like temperature and rain (or snow) tend to be high, low or medium in the same months every year (weather vs. climate) Grade Level: Upper Elementary [3-6] S1.2.4Knows that air is a substance that surrounds us, takes up space S1.2.5Knows that the rotation of the Earth on its axis every 24 hours produces the night and day cycle S1.2.6Knows that the Sun provides the light and heat necessary to maintain the temperature of the Earth Grade Level: Middle School [7-8] S1.3.2Knows that the solid Earth is layered with a thin brittle crust, hot convecting mantle, dense metallic core S1.3.4Knows that clouds, which are formed by the condensation of water vapor, affect weather and climate S1.3.6Knows that the Earth’s climate sometimes changes radically in response to the effects of geological shifts (e.g., the advance or retreat of glaciers over centuries, a series of huge volcanic eruptions in a short time) S1.3.8Knows that the cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere plays an important role in climatic patterns Grade Level: High School [9-12] S1.4.1Knows that Earth systems have both internal and external sources of energy, both of which create heat; although the Sun is the major external source of energy, the decay of radioactive isotopes and gravitational energy from the Earth’s original formation are primary sources of internal heat S1.4.2Knows that weather (in the short run) and climate (in the long run) involve the transfer of energy in and out of the atmosphere S1.4.3Knows that the solar radiation heats the land masses, ocean and air, and that transfer of heat energy at the boundaries (between the atmosphere, the land masses and the oceans) results in layers at different temperatures and densities in both the ocean and atmosphere; the action of gravitational force on layers of different densities causes them to rise or fall, and such circulation (influenced by the rotation of the Earth) produces winds and ocean currents S1.4.4Knows how life is adapted to conditions on the Earth, including the force of gravity that enables the planet to retain an adequate atmosphere and the intensity of radiation from the Sun that allows water to cycle between liquid and vapor



8 RTIPUMAS R ole of T eachers I n PUMAS Use the Examples to Enrich Their Curricula Comment on Their Experiences to Benefit Subsequent Users: –Suggest Extensions and Improvements to the Examples –Suggest Related Activities –Offer Evaluations of Examples and of PUMAS –Suggest Cross-Curricular Connections Review Examples for Grade Level Appropriateness, Clarity and Focus Contribute Additional Examples Teachers are asked to contribute what they are best equipped to contribute PUMAS provides the infrastructure, connection to the curriculum, and the dissemination mechanism

9 PUMAS EMB PUMAS E xamples M ay B e: Activities Anecdotes Descriptions of Neat Ideas Formal Exercises Problems Puzzles Demonstrations …Written in any style that serves the material well









18 PUMAS P PUMAS Participation Over 2,000 hits per week Over 75 Peer-reviewed Examples on-line One new example every few months

19 Please Contribute Examples!!

20 Backup Slides



23 TN PUMAS T he N ew PUMAS Improved organization, participation, searchability, readability, speed, and interconnectivity plus new features!












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