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Conference of County Bar Leaders February 26, 2016 Battle as Adversaries, Not as Enemies Panelists: Judge James Ross Thomas Wilkinson, Jr., Esquire Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference of County Bar Leaders February 26, 2016 Battle as Adversaries, Not as Enemies Panelists: Judge James Ross Thomas Wilkinson, Jr., Esquire Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference of County Bar Leaders February 26, 2016 Battle as Adversaries, Not as Enemies Panelists: Judge James Ross Thomas Wilkinson, Jr., Esquire Elizabeth Simcox, Esquire Kristen Hamilton, Esquire Elizabeth Triscari, Esquire

2 Professionalism and Civility in the Profession Results of the PBA Bar Leadership Institute’s Survey on Attorney Civility and Professionalism

3 Who responded to the BLI survey? Years of Practice Gender

4 Zones

5 Is lack of civility and professionalism a problem? CivilityProfessionalism 46% 24% 18% 48% 21% 19% 10% 11% 1% 2%

6 How concerned are we?

7 Is lack of civility a problem? DisagreeUnsureAgree all25.7618.4455.8 male27.618.5253.88 female23.5217.7658.72 ≤ 10 yrs31.21949 ≥ 1122.117.559

8 Frequently experienced examples of uncivil or unprofessional behavior

9 Who should be most responsible for enforcement?

10 Most responsible Least responsible Individual Judges 74.27% 13.39%6.66%4.71% Attorney Peers 54.45% 12.27%7.40%24.61% Disciplinary Board 17.81%20.88%21.33%14.60%23.20% Local Bar Association 5.68%18.18% 68.36% 7.03% State Bar Association 1.05%4.94%14.51% 77.49%

11 Effective ways to encourage an attorney who engages in unprofessional behavior? malefemale≤ 5 years≥ 25 years More frequent social functions with local Bar Associations 26.420.4722.527.49 Mentoring 51.1149.7543.063.54 Public reprimand from the bench 41.0948.7646.2535.44 Private reprimand from the bench 65.8067.5560.7570.88 Reprimand from Disciplinary Bd. 38.3648.2546.533.60 Letter from local bar president 32.6435.6140.7529.12 Attorney to attorney conversation 60.3457.2458.2564.97 Nothing 8.199.1512.54.89

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