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Compulsory power / power over Institutional power / power with Structural or productive power / power with or to.

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Presentation on theme: "Compulsory power / power over Institutional power / power with Structural or productive power / power with or to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compulsory power / power over Institutional power / power with Structural or productive power / power with or to

2  Brazil ‘ s National AIDS Programme WTO Trade Dispute between Brazil and the US ( February 2001)  TRIPS - Agreement (1994)  Everything was in favour of the US ( in material and immaterial terms )  Teaming up with social movements, civil society organizations and US media  Threatening various pharmaceutical companies  Introducing resolutions in the UN Human Rights Council and the World Health Assembly Exercise of Power --- case study: Brazil

3  US media and civil society portray the US government and pharmaceutical companies as the bad guys, - only interested in their own commercial gains - threating the lives of millions of people around the world - not interested in protecting human rights Brazilian government as - a hero taking on the powerful enemies - a country doing what is morally right - acting in favour of human rights



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