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Palmerston Junior P.S. School Council Report from the Budget Process Committee October 23, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Palmerston Junior P.S. School Council Report from the Budget Process Committee October 23, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Palmerston Junior P.S. School Council Report from the Budget Process Committee October 23, 2013

2 2 | Budget Process Committee Meeting Summary Budget Process Committee historical timeline review Our mandate and scope Policy review for budget-related items Survey Results review Funding Request Form 2013/14 Next Steps In attendance: Naen Lamarche Valerie Laflamme Sharon Janes Jennifer Hunter Chris McNeil Ann-Sylvia Brooker Stacey Carcao

3 BUDGET PROCESS COMMITTEE MANDATE - Proposed 3 To enable the optimization of benefits from School Council funds through the implementation of transparent, accessible, equitable processes Increase Parent Engagement Sustainability Support School Vision KEY DRIVERS

4 BUDGET PROCESS COMMITTEE SCOPE - Proposed 4 CommunicationAllocation Process Requests for funding Selection process Timing Disbursement of funds Timing Content School Plan Support Transparency Strategic involvement of School Council Increase Parent Engagement Sustainability Support School Vision

5 5 | MOTIONS Communication: “The BPC moves that all budget-related agenda items be published 10 days in advance of School Council meetings, with pertinent budget-related details to be published 3 days in advance of the meeting.” Allocation of funds: “The BPC moves that School Council funding be allocated on a planned basis twice annually (once in the fall and once in the spring); ongoing allocations will also be considered at any council meeting throughout the year, pending resource availability.” Funding requests: “The BPC moves that all funding requests be made in writing to the School Council Chairperson 3 days in advance of a School Council meeting, using the funding request form. In person presentation of requests is encouraged, but not required.

6 Budget Policy and Funding Request form approved at Council; Preliminary 2013/14 budget approved Funding requests due; Treasurer’s Committee meeting Final budget for 2013/14 and motion to approve Vote on final 2013/14 budget End OctMid NovEnd NovEarly DecOngoing New ideas and initiatives proposed at council meetings and through website Budget Process Committee meeting Mid-Oct Motion to reallocate funds Vote on reallocation Funding Request Form circulated Funding request forms due, Treasurer’s Committee meeting Annual budget for 2014/15 and motion to approve Vote on 2014/15 budget with holdback for new ideas 10 days notice Ongoing April 10 days notice Mid May June 10 days notice Budget Process Transition Year Proposal


8 Appendix A - POLICY REVIEW 8 Education Act Ontario Regulation 612/00 Section 4.4 election of officers happens within first 30 days of school Section 16 the following information must be stored in the school and made available for a minimum of four years: school council and committee meeting minutes financial transactions/records Palmerston School Council By-laws: Section 5 – Meetings Ten (10) days prior notice of a meeting shall be sent in writing and/or email to parents, Principal, Vice-Principal, teachers, and other staff of Palmerston Public School. The notice of the meeting shall also include the agenda. Attendance by at least 15 parent members shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the PSC. Section 3 – Officers The Treasurer (or Co-Treasurers) shall receive and hold all monies collected by or on behalf of the PSC, keep accurate records of all receipts and expenditures, make all disbursements as authorized by the PSC, prepare the annual financial report, and submit a draft budget at the October PSC meeting, present a financial report at each PSC meeting, and prepare the final financial report for the board in June of each year. Section 6 – Palmerston School Council Finances No expenditure will be made from the PSC unless: It has been included in the annual budget which has been approved at a PSC meeting, or It has been approved at a PSC meeting by the PSC members present at such meeting, or It is an amount under $100 and has been approved by two officers Section 9 – Amendment of Bylaws These bylaws may be amended by a vote in favour of such amendment of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting and in no case shall the bylaws be amended unless such amendment has been approved by at least 20 members present and voting at any general meeting. In addition, notice of any proposed amendment must be set forth in the notice of such a meeting. TDSB PR508 4.4 Calendar (a) To avoid duplication of efforts, the principal will consult with the school/student council and other stakeholders to set fundraising priorities. (b) The principal will develop a fundraising calendar, in consultation with the school/student council that will address the needs of the school and the wishes of the community.

9 9 | Budget Process Survey Results INTENTION: Gauge the appetite for change to the budget process within the Palmerston school community Increase parent engagement RESULTS: Approximately 100 surveys completed Known duplication of survey submission due to online and paper versions being distributed at different times Despite duplication, some trending is apparent Please choose one of the following options for the way you would like to see BUDGET COMMUNICATION managed Please choose one of the following options for the reallocation of UNSPENT FUNDS Please choose one of the following options for the way you would like to see BUDGET TIMING managed for NEW SPENDING IDEAS/PROPOSALS Please choose one of the following options for the way you would like to see BUDGET TIMING managed for the ANNUAL BUDGET PROPOSAL Please choose one of the following options for the way you would like to see FUND RAISING managed: 74% of respondents would like to see more budget-related detail circulated in advance of school council meetings 84% of respondents favour carrying over unspent funds to the following school year vs. end-of-year reallocations 62% of respondents favour written requests for funding in advance of school council meetings vs. same day requests without notice Respondents were nearly equally split between June and October budget vote timing Nearly all respondents want to maintain the current process of all funds going into one “pot” APPENDIX B

10 Ski trip Zoo trip Graduation Books Abundance Program Clusters Class Enrichment Workshops Performances Class Excursions Yearbook Agenda School Play Staff Lunch Sport Permits Family Nights House Leagues Technology Equity Fund FUNDING SOURCES FOR ENRICHMENT Activity Insurance Police Checks Terry Fox Run Unicef Halloween Food Drive Remembrance Poppies 10% donation Awards Island School APPENDIX C

11 Mayfest/Pizza/Dance Fee Requests Popcorn Sales Harbourfront Book Festival Ministry Funds Donation Requests 5/6 Ski Trip Graduation Yearbook Staff Lunch Abundance Program Terry Fox Run Remembrance Poppies Unicef Halloween Food Drive Apple picking trip 5/6 Zoo trip 5/6 Island School Other class excursions Scholastic Fair Books Technology Class Enrichment Workshops Performances Family Nights Sports permits House leagues Activity permits School Play Clusters Equity Fund 10% donation Police Checks APPENDIX D

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