High school football field John Elway has always loved playing sports. In high school Elway played for the Granada Hill Team.

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2 High school football field John Elway has always loved playing sports. In high school Elway played for the Granada Hill Team.

3 Elway’s draft Elway was drafted by the Colts in 1983. He did not want to be a Colt’s team member. The Colts Elway to the Broncos.

4 Elway’s success Elway completed 25 game winning drives during the final 15 minutes of games in his first 11 seasons as the broncos quarterback.

5 Comeback Kid Known as the “Comeback Kid”, Elway was usually able to move his team the Broncos down the field when points were needed.

6 Passing yards Elway was ranked second in regards to passing yard statistics of 3000 passing yards or more per season.

7 John’s Records Denver Broncos had an amazing 89- 46-1 a normal record for the season of Elway’s first decade.

8 Super Bowl wins. Denver was the AFC representative in Super Bowl in three of four seasons in the late 1980’s and Elway was the main reason.

9 Elway had a back to back super bowl win.

10 Retirement John Elway loves playing sports and is an amazing athlete who will always be known as the comeback kid. He will always be remembered as one of the greatest in the NFL. Throughout his career he showed what it takes to be an NFL quarterback. Even if you do not like him his statistics do not lie, he was the best.

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