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Notecards for Aspects of Culture Etruscan and Greek Influences on Ancient Rome.

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1 Notecards for Aspects of Culture Etruscan and Greek Influences on Ancient Rome

2 Directions (an example): The arch was one of the main features of Etruscan architecture. Etruscan arches were constructed of [ piers ] pillar-like bases, called [ ], which supported several voussoirs, or [ ]. These stones were arranged in a [ ] and held in place by a [ ] in the center. Read the corresponding text for each aspect of culture and fill-in the missing words. Once you’ve completed the illustration in Sumo Paint, insert your finished drawing in the left box.

3 Etruscan Architecture The arch was one of the main features of Etruscan architecture. Etruscan arches were constructed of [ ] pillar-like bases, called [ ], which supported several voussoirs, or [ ]. These stones were arranged in a [ ] and held in place by a [ ] in the center.

4 Etruscan Engineering The [ ] was a long trench cut underground, with vertical [ ] dug downward to meet it. It was used to [ ] land by diverting water from a stream. The Etruscans also used the cuniculus to [ ] water from very wet soil, and to carry [ ] to their cities.

5 Etruscan Government Fasces were made of [ ] with an [ ] protruding from the middle of the bundle. They were emblems of [ ]. The [ ] represented the king’s power to [ ] his city-state. The [ ] symbolized that the king could [ ] his subjects who broke the law.

6 Etruscan Metalworking Etruscans used copper, lead, [ ], tin, silver, [ ], and [ ] to make their metal objects. They made household objects such as [ ] and [ ]. They made religious objects such as [ ] and devotional [ ]. They also made military objects, such as helmets, from bronze with protective neck and throat [ ].

7 Etruscan Mysticism The Etruscans believed that [ ] gave them signs in nature. They tried to interpret [ ] before they went into battle, and thought they could predict good harvests by studying the [ ]. Etruscans diviners used the [ ] to plan the layouts of their [ ], and read the [ ] of animals before conducting burials.

8 Etruscan Sculpture Etruscan sculpture was considered [ ] because Etruscan artists paid close attention to nature and did not [ ] human subjects. Large [ ] stone figures were created for [ ] of the wealthy.

9 Etruscan Social Organization Etruria was made up of [ ], each ruled by a [ ]. Wealthy men and women lived on large [ ] and made money by [ ] and owning [ ]. [ ] worked in the mines of the wealthy. Wealthy men and women had fairly [ ]. Both were [ ], and they dressed alike in long [ ]. They also ate together at [ ].

10 Etruscan Sporting Events Spectator sports in Etruria developed from [ ] and [ ] large animals. [ ] combat came from a funeral ritual during which mourners watched [ ] fight to the death. Another popular sport was [ ], which Etruscans first saw at the Olympics in Greece.

11 Greek Coinage Ancient Greeks borrowed the idea of using coins from [ ]. Coins were made of silver, bronze, and [ ], a mixture of silver and gold. The Greeks thought coins would help their [ ] become more efficient. Scenes stamped on coins included Greek [ ] and sporting events such as [ ].

12 Greek Monumental Building Ancient Greeks built immense [ ] made of [ ]. These temples were designed to represent [ ], the dwelling place of the Greek Gods. The monumental size of the temples was also designed to fill the people inside with [ ]. The Parthenon, a temple honoring [ ], embodies the classical Greek values of [ ].

13 Greek Mythology Myths about the Gods and Goddesses functioned as [ ] to the ancient Greeks. Greeks conducted elaborate [ ] to ensure the favor of their Gods. Greek Gods and Goddesses controlled all aspects of [ ], including founding [ ], healing the [ ], and [ ] battles.

14 Greek Philosophy [ ] means “love of wisdom.” Greek tutors and students would gather in outdoor [ ], or discussion groups, and talk about the natural world. Although it began as a branch of [ ], philosophy was developed into a system of [ ] by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle.

15 Greek Pottery Greek pottery was valued in the ancient world for its [ ] and [ ]. Greek artists created ceramic [ ], for storing foods, and [ ] for water and wine. Some early pottery had [ ] figures on [ ] backgrounds. Later styles had red [ ] on black [ ], which allowed for greater detail to be shown in the figures.

16 Greek Science Ancient Greek science included the study of the stars, music, and [ ]. Pythagoras, a religious [ ], believed that [ ] and mathematical formulas controlled the universe. His famous Pythagorean Theorem is a system used to [ ]. He also discovered that [ ] have a mathematical progression.

17 Greek Theater Greek theater developed from [ ] honoring the Gods and asking for successful [ ]. These rites evolved into festivals of [ ] each spring. Greek dramas were performed [ ], in the center of the city. Actors wore expensive [ ], and there was music on stage, as well as changes of costumes and [ ].

18 Greek Writing Ancient Greek writing was written in all [ ]. Important documents such as [ ] were carved into [ ] made of bronze or stone. These plaques were then posted in the [ ]. Personal writings were written on [ ], (pronounced puh-PY-russ) a plant-fiber paper from Egypt.

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