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Senate Approval Ratings Polling conducted by Morning Consult using online, opt-in surveys June 2, 2016 Producer: Justin C. Brown Edited by: Katharine Conlon.

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Presentation on theme: "Senate Approval Ratings Polling conducted by Morning Consult using online, opt-in surveys June 2, 2016 Producer: Justin C. Brown Edited by: Katharine Conlon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senate Approval Ratings Polling conducted by Morning Consult using online, opt-in surveys June 2, 2016 Producer: Justin C. Brown Edited by: Katharine Conlon Director: Afzal Bari

2 OH WV VA PA NY ME NC SC GA TN KY IN MI WI MN IL LA TX OK ID NV OR WA CA AZ NM CO WY MT ND SD IA UT FL AR MO MS AL NE KS AK Four States Place Both Senators in Top 10, Sanders Retains #1 Spot Following 2016 Primaries SENATE APPROVAL RATINGS June 2, 2016 | Justin C. Brown ■ One Senator in Top 10 ■ Both Senators in Top 10 States With High Approval Ratings of Their Senators SenatorYes-No 1Bernie Sanders (VT-I)80-17 2Susan Collins (ME-R)79-13 3John Hoeven (ND-R)74-10 4Angus King (ME-I)74-14 5Patrick Leahy (VT-D)73-19 6Thomas Carper (DE-D)69-20 7Amy Klobuchar (MN-D)68-21 8John Barrasso (WY-R)65-27 9Al Franken (MN-D)63-26 10Chris Coons (DE-D)63-24 Despite a contentious primary season, Bernie Sanders remains the most popular senator among his own constituents. A total of 7 of the 10 senators remained in the top 10 between November and May. 1 Sources: Reid Wilson, “The Most (And Least Popular Senators in America,” Morning Consult, May 2016; Reid Wilson, “Bernie Sanders is the Most Popular Senator in America,” Morning Consult, November 24, 2015.

3 OH WV VA PA NY ME NC SC GA TN KY IN MI WI MN IL LA TX OK ID NV OR WA CA AZ NM CO WY MT ND SD IA UT FL AR MO MS AL NE KS AK No State Places Both Senators in Bottom 10, McConnell Still Most Disliked By Own Constituents SENATE APPROVAL RATINGS June 2, 2016 | Justin C. Brown ■ Senator in Bottom 10 States With Low Approval Ratings of Their Senators SenatorYes-No 1Mitch McConnell (KY-R)40-49 2Pat Roberts (KS-R)40-42 3John McCain (AZ-R)49-42 4Orrin Hatch (UT-R)49-41 5Harry Reid (NV-D)45-41 6Marco Rubio (FL-R)45-41 7David Vitter (LA-R)44-40 8Jon Tester (MT-D)48-40 9Claire McCaskill (MO-D)48-38 10Tammy Baldwin (WI-D)43-37 McConnell polled better in the more recent survey than the previous one released in June but still retained his spot at the bottom. 7 of the 10 senators at the bottom remained in the bottom 10 in the most recent survey. 2 Sources: Reid Wilson, “The Most (And Least Popular Senators in America,” Morning Consult, May 2016; Reid Wilson, “Bernie Sanders is the Most Popular Senator in America,” Morning Consult, November 24, 2015.

4 SENATE APPROVAL RATINGS 3 Some Senators Face a Potential Anonymity Problem In Upcoming Elections Least Known Senators up for Re-election in 2016 June 2, 2016 | Justin C. Brown Sources: Paul Kane, “Vulnerable Republican Senators Have a Big Problem: Voters Don’t Know Who They Are,” The Washington Post, May 26, 2016; Reid Wilson, “The Most (And Least Popular Senators in America,” Morning Consult, May 2016; Reid Wilson, “Bernie Sanders is the Most Popular Senator in America,” Morning Consult, November 24, 2015. SenatorFirst Elected% of Voters with No Opinion 1Rob Portman (R-OH)201132% 2Tim Scott (R-SC)201331% 3Mark Kirk (R-IL)201029% 4John Boozman (R-AR)201128% 5Michael F. Bennet (D-CO)200928% 6Jerry Moran (R-KS)201128% 7Richard Burr (R-NC)200528% 8Johnny Isakson (R-GA)200527% 9Patrick J. Toomey (R-PA)201127% 10Ron Johnson (R-WI)201125% Analysis A Pew Research Center study found that at least 21 states do not have a single dedicated reporter covering Congress which could have a chilling effect on legislators’ public perception outside of election years. Many senators believe that their anonymity will fade with political advertising. The leader of the list, Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) believes, “by the time people go to vote, it’s not an issue.” “We go six years with no coverage. So it’s like you weren’t here for six years. Your name ID drops into the 40s. Run $5 million in ads and it pops right back up to the 80s.” -Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), highlighting the effect of political advertising

5 SENATE APPROVAL RATINGS 4 Presidential Candidates See Only Slight Change in Opinion Following the 2016 Primaries Home-State Approval Ratings of Senators Running in the 2016 Pres. Election June 2, 2016 | Justin C. Brown Sanders (VT-I) Rubio (FL- R) Cruz (TX- R) ■ Approve ■ Disapprove ■ Don’t Know/No Opinion Sources: Reid Wilson, “The Most (And Least Popular Senators in America,” Morning Consult, May 2016; Reid Wilson, “Bernie Sanders is the Most Popular Senator in America,” Morning Consult, November 24, 2015. Rubio saw the biggest change following his campaign, gaining 8 points in disapproval among his constituents.

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