Health Visiting Service Our Model Family centred Wider Partnership working with stakeholders Holistic Preventative, proactive & systematic Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Visiting Service Our Model Family centred Wider Partnership working with stakeholders Holistic Preventative, proactive & systematic Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Visiting Service Our Model Family centred Wider Partnership working with stakeholders Holistic Preventative, proactive & systematic Sustainable & stable Engagement of Staff Staff Support (Compass) 0-19 Healthy Child Programme

2 THGPCG’s strategic aim To work together in partnerships that deliver innovative, integrated and seamless care to service users, carers and families. Our service model has the needs of the child and family at the centre with high quality services supported by integrated, multi-disciplinary care delivery pathways across 0-5 and 0-19.

3 Strategically For children’s services the Director of Health Visiting will take the strategic lead as the senior nurse representative at the Health & Well Being Board, Local Children Safeguarding Board, The Children and Families Partnership Board and Family Board. Tactically Each locality will have a dedicated manager as clinical lead for partnership working in that locality. This will include membership of the Children’s Centre locality management team, chairing joint meetings with network teams in each Locality, and attending the Locality Public Health Forums Operational The Locality HVS teams will allocate individual named HV’s to link with each GP surgery, specific children centres and nursery schools within a locality. A network link HVS team member will be allocated to nurseries and key community and voluntary sector groups. Staffing levels will take account of the size of population, case mix and deprivation in respect of HVS teams across Localities and Networks.


5 Support required from GP Practices & Networks Support & collaboration for HV teams Consistent and positive communication MDT’s on a regular basis Safeguarding collaboration Joint training & PLT’s Premise use, both as a base or drop-in ( Mobile working ) 0-5 focus at Locality Forums Joint community education & health awareness initiatives Joint users engagement initiatives

6 Challenges Engaging with HV staff on GPCGP vision culture & ethos HV leadership Establishing improved efficiency through mobile working (Fit for Purpose IT) Cost- effective premises

7 Mobilisation Plan GPCGP mobilisation team Bi-weekly meeting with LBTH Bi-weekly meetings with BartsHealth Mobilisation priority list with risk register

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