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The Great and Dreadful (or Glorious) Day of the L ORD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great and Dreadful (or Glorious) Day of the L ORD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great and Dreadful (or Glorious) Day of the L ORD

2 If a man will not work, he shall not eat. II Thessalonians 3: 6-10

3 1844 – William Miller – Millerites – the Great Disappointment 1874/1914 – Charles Taze Russell 1891 – Joseph Smith 1936/1972/1975 – Herbert W. Armstrong 1988 – Edgar Whisenant – 88 reasons 1990 – Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1994/2011 – Harold Camping

4 Eschatology – doctrine of last days Day of the L ORD – final time of judgment/punishment and glory/reward 70 th Week of Daniel – Daniel 9:27 Tribulation/Great Tribulation – Daniel’s week divided into two periods Rapture – taking up of the Church – pre-trib/mid-trib/post-trib

5 Jesus is coming again: We will go with Him: Jesus is coming again: John 14: 1-4 Acts 1: 9-11 We will go with Him: John 14: 1-4 Matthew 24: 30-31 I Thessalonians 4: 17 Our Foundational Truths

6 With Him forever: Rescues us from wrath: With Him forever: I Thessalonians 4: 17 Revelation 21: 3 Rescues us from wrath: I Thessalonians 1: 10 I Thessalonians 5: 9 Our Foundational Truths

7 Resurrected/New bodies: Judgment: Resurrected/New bodies: I Corinthians 15: 22-23, 50-52 Judgment: John 12: 47-48 Revelation 20: 11-12 Matthew 25: 31-33, 41, 46 Our Foundational Truths

8 * Resurrected/New bodies * Judgment Our Foundational Truths * With Him forever * Rescues us from wrath * Jesus is coming again * We will go with Him

9 The Great and Dreadful (or Glorious) Day of the L ORD tumult terror trampling vengeanceclouds doom darkness blackness wrath anguish distress ruin trouble cruel punishment judgment

10 Lamentations 2: 22 Obadiah 15 Joel 2: 28-32 Acts 2: 16-21 Day of the L ORD

11 Acts 2: 16-21 Matthew 27: 45-54 II Thessalonians 2: 1-2 Acts 2: 16-21 Matthew 27: 45-54 II Thessalonians 2: 1-2 Day of the L ORD

12 Joel 3: 1-2, 9, 12-16 Zechariah 14: 1-12 Matthew 25: 31-46 Revelation 19: 11-16 Day of the L ORD judgment

13 Psalm 2 Isaiah 11: 1-4 John 3: 36 Romans 5: 9 Day of the L ORD judgment

14 Daniel 9: 20-27 Day of the L ORD 70 weeks 7 sevens = 49 years 62 sevens = 434 years 1 seven = 7 years

15 Daniel 9: 20-27 Day of the L ORD 70 weeks 7 sevens = 49 years - Jerusalem 62 sevens = 434 years 483 years = 173,880 days - Jesus Artaxerxes – 444BC

16 Daniel 9: 20-27 Day of the L ORD 70 weeks Confirm 7 year covenant End to sacrifice at mid-point Cut off Temple destroyed – 70AD Fulfilled in Christ?

17 Daniel 9: 20-27 Day of the L ORD 70 weeks Covenant for One seven = 7 years Midpoint – sacrifice ends Abomination of desolation Until his end

18 Daniel 9: 27 Day of the L ORD Middle of the seven Time, times and half a time Daniel 7: 25, 12: 7 Revelation 12: 14 42 months, 1,260 days Revelation 11: 1-3, 12: 6

19 Daniel 9: 27 Day of the L ORD Middle of the seven Time, times and half a time Daniel 7: 24-25 42 months Revelation 13: 1-10

20 Daniel 9: 27 Day of the L ORD Middle of the seven Great distress, trouble, tribulation Daniel 12: 1 Matthew 24: 15-21 Revelation 7: 14

21 Daniel 9: 27 Day of the L ORD Temple, sacrifice, abomination FLEE! Matthew 24: 15-21 Revelation 12: 6, 14 Great Tribulation

22 Day of the L ORD Great Tribulation Fleeing, protection, beheadings Matthew 24: 15-21 Revelation 12: 6, 14 Revelation 13: 5-17 Revelation 20: 4

23 Day of the L ORD 7 Year Tribulation 1)Jews, Israel 2) Change times, laws; beheadings

24 Day of the L ORD Islamic Eschatology 1)12 th Imam (Mahdi) 2) Change times, laws; beheadings 3)Jesus (Isa) returns 4)Dajjal

25 Day of the L ORD Second Coming I will come back John 14: 1-4, 18, 28-29

26 Day of the L ORD Second Coming II Thessalonians 2: 1-2 I Corinthians 15: 20-23 II Peter 3: 3-4 I John 2: 28 Yes He will!

27 Day of the L ORD Second Coming I Timothy 6: 13-14 II Timothy 4: 1-2, 8 Titus 2: 11-14 And to the next generation…

28 Day of the L ORD Second Coming Matthew 16: 27 Matthew 24: 30-31 Matthew 25: 31 With angels, power, glory, clouds

29 Day of the L ORD Second Coming Ezekiel 10: 1-5 Ezekiel 10: 18-19 Ezekiel 11: 22-23 God’s glory departs the temple

30 Threshold East Gate Mountain East of City N E Holy of Holies

31 Day of the L ORD Second Coming Acts 1: 9-11, 12 Zechariah 14: 1-4 God’s glory returns – where?

32 Day of the L ORD Second Coming Matthew 24: 29-31 Revelation 1: 7-8 Zechariah 12: 10-14 Every eye will see Him - mourn

33 Day of the L ORD Second Coming Daniel 12: 1-7 Hosea 5: 15 Matthew 23: 33-39 Romans 11: 11-15 Until they admit their guilt…

34 Day of the L ORD antichrist I John 2: 18, 22 I John 4: 3 II John 7 Does not acknowledge Jesus

35 Day of the L ORD antichrist Isaiah 14: 12-15 Daniel 7: 20-28 Daniel 8: 9-14 A different king - blasphemous

36 Day of the L ORD Antiochus Epiphanes 168BC – temple desecrated Maccabean rebellion 2300 sacrifices missed 164BC – temple reconsecrated (Hanukkah – Feast of Dedication – Festival of Lights) Prototype of antichrist

37 Day of the L ORD antichrist Daniel 8: 23-25 Daniel 9: 27 Daniel 11: 36-39 Until the end that is decreed…

38 Day of the L ORD antichrist Daniel 8: 25 I Thessalonians 5: 1-3 Matthew 24: 36-39 Peace, safety then…

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