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Polygenetic Inheritance

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1 Polygenetic Inheritance
Skin color

2 Melanin, its only skin deep…
Differences in skin color are largely due to the amounts of melanin. A dark pigment produced by skin cells. At least 3 genes control synthesis of melanin. Each one has two forms: An allele for high melanin production Dark skin (ABC) And allele for low melanin production Light skin (abc)

3 Each dark skin allelle (ABC) in the genotype adds a small but equal amount of pigment.
There are 7 different shades of skin color, ranging from very dark (AABBCC) to very light (aabbcc). Most individuals produce medium amounts of melanin and are intermediate skin color (AaBbCc)

4 Punnett Square How many possible shade of skin color?
7, AaBbCc x AaBbCc The offspring of this cross exhibit seven shades of skin color based on the number of dark-skin alleles in each genotype. How many genes regulate melanin production? 3 How many forms of the gene are present? 2, dark-allele & light-skin allele Complete the table to determine the number of offspring with each skin color. How many of these 64 possible offspring have skin darker than their parents? 3 genes has two alleles. Are the dark-skin alleles dominant to the light-skin alleles? no What environmental factors would influence gene expressions?? Sunlight, nutrition

5 What would an individual with the aabbcc genotype look like?
A very fair haired, pale skinned individual, like Northern Europeans.

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