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Unemployment Submitted To: Prof. Pooja Arora Submitted By: Umesh Kumar Puneet Mokta FA1.

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Presentation on theme: "Unemployment Submitted To: Prof. Pooja Arora Submitted By: Umesh Kumar Puneet Mokta FA1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unemployment Submitted To: Prof. Pooja Arora Submitted By: Umesh Kumar Puneet Mokta FA1

2 First of all let us know what is Full Employment… Full employment is a condition of the national economy, where all or nearly all persons willing and able to work at the prevailing wages and working conditions are able to do so.

3 Then what is Unemployment… “Unemployment occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively looked for work within the past four weeks --International Labour Organization Hi, I am here for a job…

4 Unemployment is more in… Educated population in overall unemployed population Agriculture Sector than other sectors Men than Women Urban areas than Rural areas

5 Classification of Unemployment… UnemploymentInvoluntaryCyclicalDisguisedStructuralSeasonalFrictionalVoluntary

6 A person is out of job because of his own desire to not to work on the prevalent or prescribed wages. Voluntary A person is separated from remunerative work and devoid of wages although he is capable of earning his wages and is also anxious to earn them. Involuntary

7 Part of the capitalistic system and a part of trade cycle. There is a greater unemployment and when there is a depression a large number of people are rendered unemployed. Cyclical Unemployment Certain industries and traders engage workers for a particular season. When the season ends workers are rendered unemployed. e.g. Sugar Industry Seasonal Unemployment The time period between jobs when a worker is searching for, or transitioning from one job to another. Frictional Unemployment

8 When labour market in unable to provide jobs for everyone. Reasons:- population overgrowth and mismatch between expectation of employers and skills of unemployed Structural When more people are engaged in work than actually required e.g. agriculture sector Disguised

9 Reasons…


11 Employment & unemployment scenario in India Category1993-19941999-20002004-2005 Total labour Force382.0406.0469.9 Total Employment374.0397.0459.1 Open unemployment7.59.010.8 Unemployment rate as percentage of Total labour Force Employment in organized sector 28.0 26.5 Employment in unorganized sector 346.0369.0432.6 Jobs created per annum -4.612.4 Working Poor-122.0130.0

12 Unemployment rate in India is 9.4% … (2011)

13 Government initiatives

14 Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme(PMEGP) Swarnjayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojna (SJSRY) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna (SGSY) The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA)

15 Actions that can be taken … Increase access to credit to encourage entrepreneurship Provide incentives for new initiatives Strengthen or enforce legislation Publicize opportunities in the media

16 Suggestions…. Family planning programmer and development plans should be reformed. Provide skill training to the new entrants to the labour force


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