Members: Faaris M. Khan Hassan Bin Obaid Ahmed Affan Hashir Shahid.

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1 Members: Faaris M. Khan Hassan Bin Obaid Ahmed Affan Hashir Shahid

2  Motivations:- a)Catherine's love b)Mistreatment by Hindley  Desire:- a) to attain Catherine b) Thrushcross Grange & Wuthering Heights (revenge) c) achieve high status

3  Heathcliff to Catherine upon her arrival from the Grange “I shall be dirty as I please: and I like to be dirty and I will be dirty” pg.58, 25 th line  But later alone with Nelly he says “Nelly make me descent. I am going to be good” pg.59, last line “I shall not stand to be laughed at. I shall not bear it!”

4  “He had listened till he heard Catherine say it would degrade her to marry him, and then he stayed to hear no further” (Nelly’s narration, pg.80 line 22)  After return:- “I was amazed more than ever to behold the transformation of Heathcliff. He had grown a tall, athletic......thought too stern for grace” (pg.92, 4 th paragraph)

5  Thus he went through internal conflict due to denial by her love (according to him).  The realization motivated him into altering to a better person as his only and only desire was to attain Catherine without whom he felt incomplete.  However, with the passage of time and the death of his love Heathcliff forgot all his morals and values. As he was treated when young he treats all the other children and people similarly.

6  His main rival is Edgar Linton who had married his love Catherine  “ But do you think that I shall leave Catherine to his duty and humanity? And you can compare my feelings respecting Catherine to his?” At several other places too Heathcliff compares his love for Catherine to Edgar’s.  Hindley Earnshaw, his first rival who had been extremely cruel to him in his youth Heathcliff equally takes revenge from him too.

7  Heathcliff is spurned by Cathrine and the conflict results in Heathcliff rebelling against this change, thus spending most of his life contemplating and acting out revenge against all those associated with Cathrine and Edgar due to his tormented heart.  He marries Edgar’s sister Isabella and seeks revenge from Edgar by treating her infernally and depriving her of her needs, in order that Edgar may come to know of it and being helpless against Heathcliff may be tormented in much the same way Heathcliff is.

8  But Isabella soon dies leaving behind Linton whom Heathcliff manipulates and uses as a pawn to empower Cathy (daughter of Edgar) in order that he may take revenge from Edgar, Cathy being his final hope. He carries out the plan by forcing Cathy to marry Linton who is a weakling and is soon to die. But as the marriage commences Edgar dies away and so does Heathcliff’s desire to seek revenge.

9  This is then replaced by his over powering wish to meet Catharine eternally, leading him to such an extent that he replaces Edgar’s coffin with his own in order to lie beside Catharine, that they may rejoin easily.  Meanwhile Heathcliff also seeks revenge from Hindley whom he despises, as being a child Hindley had been jealous and treated Heathcliff shabbily. Returning after many years Heathcliff gains control of the Heights through gambling leaving Hindley shelter less and utterly at his mercy, thus he gets a chance to avenge

10  But Hindley dies soon, and as a means of continuing his revenge Heathcliff seizes Hareton, (Hindley’s son) and treats him almost as a servant. But Hareton’s miserable life ends soon with Heathcliff’s death.

11  Heathcliff seeking revenge towards Hindley “On only one condition can I hope to forgive him, it is if I may take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, for every wrench of agony return a wrench: reduce him to my level.” (Heathcliff to Nelly), Page158, Para 4  Heathcliff seeking revenge towards Hindley “On only one condition can I hope to forgive him, it is if I may take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, for every wrench of agony return a wrench: reduce him to my level.” (Heathcliff to Nelly), Page158, Para 4

12  Linton tormented due to Isabella “Say that I am not angry but am sorry to have lost her; especially as I can never think she’ll be happy. It is out of question my going to see her, however we are eternally divided and should she really wish to oblige me let her persuade the villain she has married, to leave the country.” (Edgar to Nelly) Page 132, Para 2  Linton tormented due to Isabella “Say that I am not angry but am sorry to have lost her; especially as I can never think she’ll be happy. It is out of question my going to see her, however we are eternally divided and should she really wish to oblige me let her persuade the villain she has married, to leave the country.” (Edgar to Nelly) Page 132, Para 2

13  Heathcliff’s tormented heart “Be with me always -take any form-drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss where I cannot find you” (Heathcliff after Catharine’s death) Page 148, Para 8  Heathcliff’s tormented heart “Be with me always -take any form-drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss where I cannot find you” (Heathcliff after Catharine’s death) Page 148, Para 8

14  Heathcliff’s plan to avenge Hindley through Hareton “It expressed plainer than words could do, the intense anguish having made himself the instrument of thwarting his own revenge had it been dark I dare say he would have tried to remedy the mistake by smashing Hareton’s skull on the steps” (Nelly’s narration when Heathcliff saves Hareton from falling on the stair case) Page 75, Para 2  Heathcliff’s plan to avenge Hindley through Hareton “It expressed plainer than words could do, the intense anguish having made himself the instrument of thwarting his own revenge had it been dark I dare say he would have tried to remedy the mistake by smashing Hareton’s skull on the steps” (Nelly’s narration when Heathcliff saves Hareton from falling on the stair case) Page 75, Para 2

15  Heathcliff’s plan to avenge Edgar through Isabella “What ever be your notion of Mr. Edgar you cannot doubt that she has a capacity for strong attachment or she wouldn’t have abandoned the elegance and comforts and friends of her former home to fix contently in such a wilderness as this, with you” (Nelly to Heathcliff) Page 135, Para 3  Heathcliff’s plan to avenge Edgar through Isabella “What ever be your notion of Mr. Edgar you cannot doubt that she has a capacity for strong attachment or she wouldn’t have abandoned the elegance and comforts and friends of her former home to fix contently in such a wilderness as this, with you” (Nelly to Heathcliff) Page 135, Para 3

16  Heathcliff’s plan to avenge Edgar through Catherine “I shall enjoy myself remarkably in thinking your father will be miserable. I shall not sleep for satisfaction. You could have hit no surer way of fixing your residence under my roof for the next twenty four hours then informing me that such an event would follow” (Heathcliff to Cathy) Page 230, Para 5  Heathcliff’s plan to avenge Edgar through Catherine “I shall enjoy myself remarkably in thinking your father will be miserable. I shall not sleep for satisfaction. You could have hit no surer way of fixing your residence under my roof for the next twenty four hours then informing me that such an event would follow” (Heathcliff to Cathy) Page 230, Para 5

17 “Rough as a saw-edge, and hard as a whistle” Narrators tone towards HeathCliff Negative view concerning Heathcliff, showing him as a harsh, stern person. This is at the beginning of the story when Nelly is introduced to Heathcliff thus it is a first impression.

18 “Cathy and her brother harassed me terribly, though he was as uncomplaining as a lamb; though hardness, not gentleness, made him give little trouble.” Gentle tone shows that Nelly has now spent time with the character and is beginning to discover his attributes.

19 “A half-civilised ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows and eyes full of black fire, but it was subdued; and his manner was even dignified: quite divested of roughness, though stern for grace.” Very critical view on the character showing interest in him. Aware of the inner- Heathcliff and the rage he possessed.

20 “Edgar had sense to comprehend Heathcliff's disposition: to know that, though his exterior was altered, his mind was unchangeable and unchanged.” Yet again a critical tone is adopted and the usage of strong words such as ‘unchangeable’ may give light to an omniscient nature of the narrator.

21  Nelly Dean was the only one to know the reason for Heathcliff’s departure.  She was the first one to find out about his desire of vengeance.  Nelly even had a premonition, as she said that Heathcliff’s arrival would bring something evil.

22  Nelly was a mother-figure for Heathcliff  She nurtured Heathcliff when he was young and admonished him when he was wrong  She also observed, perhaps better than anyone else, the deep connection between the two.

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