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Project “ Developing services for victims of domestic violence, strengthening co-operation between different institutions and raising awareness among victims.

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1 Project “ Developing services for victims of domestic violence, strengthening co-operation between different institutions and raising awareness among victims and the general public ” Estonian Women’s Shelters Union

2 . Expected outcomes improved services and systematic approach when helping victims of gender-based violence; increased public awareness of gender-based violence; improved cooperation between professionals

3 Beneficiaries The staff and service users of women's shelters All women's shelters are independent non-profit organizations that had cooperation agreements with EWSU within the project. Ida-Viru County Women's Support Centre and Shelter Järva County Women's Support Centre Jõgeva County Women's Support Centre Lääne County Women's Support Centre Pärnu Women's Shelter Rapla County Women's Support Centre Tallinn Women's Crisis Centre Tartu Women's Shelter (Women's Support and Information Centre) Tähtvere Open Women’s Centre Valga County Women's Support Centre Viru County Women's Support Centre Viljandi County Women's Support Centre Võru County Women's Support Centre

4 Beneficiaries. Staff and service users of the nationwide 24hr free helpline 1492 Estonian Women’s Shelters Union organized the work of the helpline for women who had experienced physical, emotional, economic or sexual violence, for the relatives, friends and other people who came into contact with the victims. Specialists in various fields who encounter victims of gender- based violence We cooperated with victim support, police, prosecution office, local and regional governments, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice. Wider public

5 Activities and results Training women’s shelter staff and helpline operators 2013-2016 Developing the training system for the gender-based violence trainings During three years we organized 14 two-days trainings (224 hours) for 80 staff members and volunteers from all the shelters. As result we have17 trained trainers who can organize future trainings in their regions. Study tour to Norway in 2014 After 5-days studys tour staff members from all Estonian shelters are familiar with the Norwegian experience of victim support and daily practices of shelters.

6 Activities and results Developing the service description for women’s shelters in 2013. The service description has made possible to provide unified high quality shelters services around Estonia. Arranging regular staff supervision in the women’s shelters and helpline 1492 in 2013-2016 542 hours supervison was provided. Training specialists who come into contact with gender-based violence in 2014-2015 Tha regional network trainings were arranged in five counties for 172 specialists from different organizations.

7 Activities and results Raising public awareness on gender-based violence and services available 2013-2016 All women’s shelters have new or improved websites. Information materials were printed and disseminated to inform about the shelter and hotline services. Audio- and videoclips to inform about the hotline services were disseminated. Organizing thematic conferences each year on the 25th of November Conference “Men about violence against women” in 2013. Conference “Open your eyes” in 2014. Conference “Helping victims of violence against women- the way forward?” in 2015.

8 Activities and results Research to evaluate outcomes of the project Omnibus survey to find out the general awareness of aid possibilities for victims of domestic violence, including shelters and hotline in 2013 and 2016 Awareness of shelter and hotline services has increased. Survay to identify service user satisfaction conserning shelter service and hotline using electronic and paper questionnaires in 2014-2015. Interviewing service users of shelters in 2015 (20 women were intrerviewed by reaseacher Kadri Soo from University of Tartu). The survay showed that service users were satisfied with the help provided by shelters and hotline.

9 Activities and results Providing free helpline 1492 service in 2013-2016 In 2013 free hotline services were provided 12/7, from the beginning of 2014 24/7. Services were provided in Estonian and in Russian language. Psychological and legal counselling at women’s shelters 2013-2016 In total more than 6200 hours of psychological counselling/ psychotheraphy and more than 4600 huours legal counselling was provided to the service users in all 13 womens shelters around Estonia.

10 Results of the project The quality of the services provided by women´s shelters equalized all over Estonia. Psychological counselling/psychotherapy and legal assistance for survivors of violence and their children was made available in 13 counties. The nationwide hotline service 1492 became available free of charge around the clock. Women's support centers and hotline staff expertise to assist the victims of violence have noticeably increased due to effective training and supervision. Cooperation between shelters and ohter institutions and professionals, who are working with victims of violence became more active and more effective. Increased public awareness about violence against women and the services available to victims of violence.

11 Partners NVTS was our very good project partner, which supported us in the preparation of training programs, in finding of Norwegian trainers and performing the trainings. Our special thanks you to Solveig Bergman, Anja Kruse and Anna Birgitte Mørck. Our second partner was Krisesentersekretariatet, which organized our study tour to Norway. Special thanks for that to Tove Smahdal and Lone Alice Johansen.

12 . We thank the Kingdom of Norway and all the institutions and individuals, who were involved with preparation and implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

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