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Good Afternoon!! 1.HOT ROC: The Vietnam Experience 2.Fighting the War in Vietnam 3.Opposition to the Vietnam War Essential Question : Why did many Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Afternoon!! 1.HOT ROC: The Vietnam Experience 2.Fighting the War in Vietnam 3.Opposition to the Vietnam War Essential Question : Why did many Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Afternoon!! 1.HOT ROC: The Vietnam Experience 2.Fighting the War in Vietnam 3.Opposition to the Vietnam War Essential Question : Why did many Americans oppose the Vietnam War?

2 HOT ROC: Vietnam Experience war/vietnam-war-history war/vietnam-war-history – What does the video tell you about the American experience in Vietnam? Provide AT LEAST THREE details the video describes WWII soldiers say 40 days of combat in 4 years, in Vietnam people saw 240 in one year  a lot more traumatizing, exposed to more combat, not a “fun” experience more opportunities to die! 1700 soldiers still missing  easy to get “lost” in Vietnam Average age 21  drafting a lot of young people Highly educated soldiers 

3 Which Men Were Drafted? Most drafted young men were… – Lower income – No college degree Blacks and Latinos made up 31% of all combat troops at the beginning of the draft. – “We believe that black people should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that does not protect us.”—Black Panther Party Over half of the sons of Congressmen and Senators received deferments – only 28 were sent to Vietnam and none were killed

4 Who were our enemies? North Vietnamese Army (NVA) – The main force – Uniformed, professional soldiers Viet Cong – Elite revolutionary Communists – Guerilla Warfare: sneak attacks and booby traps that frustrate U.S. troops

5 End Results? U.S. Casualties – 58,000 killed – 400,000 wounded Vietnamese Casualties – 1 million soldiers killed – 4 million civilians killed “War is hell, but that's not the half of it, because war is also mystery and terror and adventure and courage and discovery and holiness and pity and despair and longing and love. War is nasty; war is fun. War is thrilling; war is drudgery. War makes you a man; war makes you dead.” – Tim Obrien, The Things They Carried

6 Timeline of Vietnam

7 Opposition to the Vietnam War My Lai Massacre: a horrible thing, and knowledge kept from us for a long time  we’re supposed to be about rights and transparency, not terror and deception College Protests: high school graduates couldn’t pursue what they wanted, parents upset children are going to war not college Pentagon Papers: government lying about having plans to start a war in Vietnam Tet Offensive: televised attack that shows the horrors of war  when you see the death, you don’t want to send troops in anymore

8 Notable Opposition Martin Luther King Jr.John Kerry

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