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Marshall _ The Ventura County Planning Commission, 5 Feb 2015 Prof. Trevor G. Marshall, PhD Autoimmunity Research Foundation, Thousand Oaks, California.

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Presentation on theme: "Marshall _ The Ventura County Planning Commission, 5 Feb 2015 Prof. Trevor G. Marshall, PhD Autoimmunity Research Foundation, Thousand Oaks, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marshall _ The Ventura County Planning Commission, 5 Feb 2015 Prof. Trevor G. Marshall, PhD Autoimmunity Research Foundation, Thousand Oaks, California revised: 3 Feb 2015 Testimony to: The Ventura County Planning Commission, 5 Feb 2015 Hearing Concerns with Staff Report and Negative Declaration on: Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance PL13-0109

2 What could go wrong? – WCF at Los Robles Hospital

3 Why does the ordinance have to be strict?

4 Even the Planning Division was not told about the upgrade On January 4 th, 2015, the number of Transmitters Doubled. two hundred and fifty times greater The number of Antennas doubled. The power of the new equipment was two hundred and fifty times greater (250x) than the old equipment. Yet the Thousand Oaks Council has no record of any changes from the equipment originally approved in 2011. Television Broadcasts to the Home AT&T says the new equipment will do Television Broadcasts to the Home (the new higher power penetrates the stucco walls of homes). AT&T is now in the business of Television Broadcasting with WCF it was allowed to erect for “Personal Communications Services” Hospital patients and visitors are evidently ‘collateral damage’

5 UNESCO symposium Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008 “Digital transmission of bacterial DNA in living cells” Giuseppe Vitiello, Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Salerno “A quantum field approach to living matter: why fields? why quantum?” Marc Henry, Professor of Molecular Chemistry, University of Strasbourg “Water, electromagnetism and quantum coherence” Carlo Ventura, Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Bologna “The voice of the stem cells: mutant vibrations and regenerative medicine”

6 Montagnier

7 Science does not work by “counting papers” Planning Staff: “Many scientific studies report evidence of harmful effects from cell phones.. but there is also a seemingly equal number of studies that are inconclusive or show no significant harmful effects”

8 California Dept of Health Services study - 2002 3.2% of Californians report hypersensitivity to EMFs

9 What does this ‘Hypersensitivity’ look like? “nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, discomfort, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbance, memory loss and lowering of libido, were statistically significant in the inhabitants living near the BTS antenna” "It is suggested that cellular phone antenna should not be sited closer than 300m to populations to minimize exposure“ Daryoush Shahbazi-Gahrouei, et al: Health effects of living near mobile phone base transceiver station (BTS) antennae. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Sept 2014.

10 Why does the ordinance have to be strict? Oops.. 70ft is not 300 yds  Is this patient from the 3.2%?

11 Staff recommend the Community be ignored In this report, Staff recommend those ‘ community members’ who “expressed strong opinions that WCF can cause harmful effects on humans ” should be ignored. Staff did not report any of the community-reported harms into the Negative Declaration, and they quoted legal precedent from 2000 to support that decision. We are leaders, not followers. Ventura County is a very special place. AT&T makes decisions by the month. Medical Science changes every day. This county cannot afford to be bullied by 15 year-old legal precedent. We are leaders, not followers.

12 The Negative Declaration must be corrected “We cannot be sure”

13 And responsibility must be put back on the shoulders of the WCF operators to certify ‘no adverse events’ resulting from their WCF.. Sanctions are needed (with teeth)

14 WHO expert group on health effects of EMF is working on an updated report examining over 1000 papers. The September 2014 draft contains:  178 pages on how waves affect the Human Brain,  329 pages on links with Cancers 47 pages on interaction between waves and the CV system 47 pages on Interference with Reproductive Development 38 pages on interactions with Eyes, Ears and CNS My mother told me: “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire”

15 Can nervous system be hacked



18 Thank You!

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