Gram-positive non-spore-forming bacilli

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1 Gram-positive non-spore-forming bacilli
문예솔 (발표) 최아람 (자료조사) 윤희나 (Quiz) 서희 (PPT제작)

2 Contents Gram positive non-spore Regular non-spore Irregular Listeria
Erysipelothrix non-spore Irregular Corynebacterium Diphtheria Propionibacterium

3 Gram positive


5 Gram-positive regular non-spore-forming bacilli

6 Gram-positive regular non-spore-forming bacilli
Stain uniformly not assume pleomorphic shapes

7 Gram-positive regular non-spore-forming bacilli
Lactobacillus, Listeria, Erysipelothrix, Kurthia, Caryophanon, Bronshothrix, Renibacterium In intestinal tract, vagina of human

8 Listeria 인체의 유산을 일으키는 병원균 작은 간균으로 주위에 생긴 섬모로 운동

9 An emerging food-borne pathogen :Listeria monocytogenes
Tumbling with motility, with 1-4 flagella (20~25℃) Not produce capsule or spore Resistant to cold, heat, salt, pH extremes, and bile

10 An emerging food-borne pathogen :Listeria monocytogenes
β-hemolytic Intracelluar pathogen Unique multiplication cycle

11 Listeriosis Epidemiology & Pathology
The primary reservoir (water, soil) Secondary sources of infection (plant materials, the intestines of healthy mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates) Ingesting contaminated milk, cheeses, ice cream, poultry, meat, in dairy product

12 Listeriosis Predisposing factor : weakened condition of host defenses in intestine mucosa In normal adults : mild of subclinical infection(fever, diarrhea, sore throat) In immunocompromised patients, fetuses, neonates : infection of the brain and meninges → septicemia

13 Listeriosis Pregnant women : Transmitted to the infant
Intrauterine infection → premature abortion, fetal death Neonatal infections → damage to the nervous system .

14 Listeriosis Recent outbreaks United States listeriosis outbreak

15 Listeriosis Diagnosis Cold enrichment ELISA Immunofluorescence
Specimen is held at 4℃ and periodically plated onto media but this procedure can take 4 weeks ELISA Immunofluorescence

16 Listeriosis Control Ampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
Erythromycin Cold storage : not an effective control measure

17 Erysipelothrix Erysipelothrix Erysi / pelo / thrix Gram (+)
Catalase (-) Rod shaped Endotoxin X Non spore and capsule Mobility X

18 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae : A zoonotic pathogen
Epidemiology , Pathology and Control Primary reservoir : tonsils of healthy pigs, sheep, chickens, fish In sewage, seawater, soils, foods Swine erysipelas

19 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae : A zoonotic pathogen
Human infection : erysipeloid Handle animals, carcasses, meats(slaughterhouse workers, butchers) Swollen, inflamed, dark red lesions that burn and itch Penicillin, Erythromycin

20 Gram-positive irregular non-spore-forming bacilli

21 Gram-positive irregular non-spore-forming bacilli
Pleomorphic, stain unevenly Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, Nocardia, Propionibacterium Catalase (+) Unique type of peptidoglycan

22 Corynebacterium 주걱 형의 장 간균 Mobility x Spore X 균 체 내에 이염소체가 나타남
C.xerosis, C.striatum, C.diphtheriae

23 Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Straight or somewhat curved rod pleomorphic club filamentous, swollen shapes Palisade arrangement

24 Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Metachromatic granule → metachromatic granules dyeing Found in tonsil, pharynx, larynx

25 Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Epidemiology Significant cause of morbidity and mortality Non-immunized children(1 – 10years) living in crowded, unsanitary situation

26 Diphtheria Pathology Contact with the droplets from human carriers
Local infection (Cutaneous diphtheria) Toxin production and toxemia Primary infection site : the upper respiratory tract (2차 : Cutaneous diphtheria)

27 Diphtheria Pathology 감염 부위에서 매우 강력한 외독소 (diphtherotoxin) 생산
혈액 내에 침입하지 않고도 독소로 인해 전신 증상을 나타낼 수 있다.

28 Diphtheria Diphtherotoxin : 2 polypeptide fragment
Fragment A interacts with factors in the cytoplasm and arrests protein synthesis Fragment B binds to and is endocytosed by mammalian target cells in the heart and nervous system

29 Diphtheria - 활성화 1) 독소 단백질이 세균 밖으로 분비될 때 leader sequence가 절단 2) 이 황화 결합으로 연결된 독소의 두 polypeptide가 분리되어야 한다. - 철분 농도가 낮을 때 유도되며 디프테리아 독소억제인자에 의해 조절된다.

30 Diphtheria Symtoms * pseudomembrane
Local : inflammatory reaction, fever, sore throat, vomiting, enlarged cervical lymph nodes * pseudomembrane

31 Diphtheria Symtoms Systemic : toxemia → muscle weakness & paralysis
→ myocarditis & abnormal EKG patterns

32 Diphtheria Diagnosis Gray membrane, swelling in the throat → presumptive diagnosis & treatment PCR analysis

33 Diphtheria Diagnosis Positive Schick test
- diphtheriae 변성 독소를 주입하여 반응 여부 검사 - 백신의 이차적인 부작용 결과를 최소화

34 Diphtheria treatment Prevention
Diphtheria anti-toxin(DAT) : allergy test Bronchoscopy -> Tracheostomy Prevention Vaccination with toxoid : DPT

35 Propionibacterium Aerotolerant or anaerobic, nontoxigenic
Propionibacterium acnes Genetic and hormonal factors

36 Reference 의학미생물학 / 대한미생물학회 / 엘스비어코리아(유) / 2009년11월
진단미생물학Ⅰ,Ⅱ / Betty A. Forbes 외2명 / 12판 Foundation in microbiology / Talaro / 7판

37 Thank you

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