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VISUAL MERCHANDISING Lesson 3 – Creating Dramatic Visual Presentations.

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Presentation on theme: "VISUAL MERCHANDISING Lesson 3 – Creating Dramatic Visual Presentations."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISUAL MERCHANDISING Lesson 3 – Creating Dramatic Visual Presentations

2 Introduction  Visual merchandising – visual advertising medium  Should reflect the store’s character and inform

3 Techniques  Sight is the main sense that displays employ since visual merchandising is a visual advertising medium  Whenever possible, appeal to the other senses  Taste - Cinnabon taste test  Touch - Pet Habitat pet animals  Sound - Night Market toys  Motion, colour, music, lighting, props and backdrops

4 Interface pattern  One focal point at eye level  Overlapping items, 3D

5 Stair Steps pattern  3D effect  Arranged smallest to largest or vice versa

6 Gradation pattern  3D effect  Arranged smallest to largest or vice versa

7 Pyramid pattern

8 Zig-zag pattern

9 Repetition pattern

10 Radiation pattern

11 So…why use patterns?  Gives displays order

12 Formal Balance  Symmetrical  Eyes drawn to centre of display, main item  Example: Pyramid pattern

13 Informal balance  One side, top or bottom dominate  Why do you think they use informal balance?  Present contrast in colour, height, or size

14 Lines  Vertical – tall, thin, majestic  Horizontal – flat, fat, wide  Diagonal – upset harmony, balance  Informal balance  Gets customer’s attention because it is different  Theme – Make sure you only use 1!

15 Good Housekeeping  All displays should be checked once a day  Good practice to re-merchandise once a day  Facing  Change displays frequently

16 Location, location, location!  Display placement is important  Key locations – inside front door, entrance to sales department, elevator entrances (?), bottom of escalators, opposite service counters, near registers, aisle ends, and showcase countertops.  Wall, pillars, ceiling can also be used to highlight  Gondola displays control traffic flow

17 Summary  Visual advertising medium – try to appeal to other senses  Patterns – Interface, Stairstep, Gradation, Pyramid, Zig-zag, Repetition, Radiation  Lines – Vertical, horizontal, diagonal  Good housekeeping is essential for a good display  Placement can be effectively used to reinforce the theme.

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