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Super Tuesday Results. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both became much harder to beat with some big wins in yesterday’s primary elections throughout.

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1 Super Tuesday Results

2 Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both became much harder to beat with some big wins in yesterday’s primary elections throughout the country (often referred to as Super Tuesday). Trump racked up wins in seven states to Sen. Ted Cruz's three and Sen. Marco Rubio's one. And Clinton defeated Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in seven of the 11 Democratic contests. Trump claims that the reason for his victories is his ability to bring people together. "I'm a unifier — I know people are going to find that a little bit hard to believe, but believe me," Trump said. New Hampshire and Massachusetts showed he wins with working-class moderates. South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia showed he wins evangelicals in the Bible Belt. And record-shattering Republican turnout in Virginia showed he expands the party's base of voters. Clinton’s victories were similar by winning a swath of Southern states, in Texas, Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee and Arkansas. However, she also won in Massachusetts with a much different voter population.

3 In Other News The Supreme Court will take up the most important abortion case in two decades Wednesday as the justices consider a Texas law requiring that doctors have admitting privileges at local hospitals and clinics upgrade their facilities to hospital-like standards. It's the first major controversial case the court has handled since the death last month of Justice Antonin Scalia. The fact there are only eight justices raises the possibility the court could end up in a 4-4 split -- a possibility that would allow the Texas law to take effect but not set a national precedent. Supporters of the law argue that it is meant to protect women's health, but opponents say it has nothing to do with health and safety but is instead a disguised attempt to end abortion or at least make getting one more difficult. Similar laws have been enacted in other states.

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