The History of Israel. Burning Question Burning Question Who does the land of Israel, Palestine, and Jerusalem rightfully belong to? o Palestinians (Arabs.

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Israel. Burning Question Burning Question Who does the land of Israel, Palestine, and Jerusalem rightfully belong to? o Palestinians (Arabs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Israel

2 Burning Question Burning Question Who does the land of Israel, Palestine, and Jerusalem rightfully belong to? o Palestinians (Arabs - Muslims) or o Israelites (Jewish)

3 Count The Changes in Ownership es/EMPIRE17.swf es/EMPIRE17.swf

4 Ottoman Empire and WWI

5 Loss of Land Ottomans sided with Germany in WWI o Controlled many Arab territories France/Britain place mandate on Palestine o Temporary control of land until capable of self rule o Promised land to both Jewish & Palestinians

6 Fight Over Palestine Zionists o Jewish people look for land to call their home Believe Israel is their rightful land Mass migration to Israel after WWII (Holocaust) Palestinians o Arabs (Muslims) believe Palestine belongs to them o Don’t like all the Jews coming to the area (riots) United States takes over because British can’t deal with it anymore… o US ends up not wanting it either

7 Split of Palestine in to Israel United Nations splits Palestine in to two areas o 1 for the Jewish population o 1 for the Palestinians (Arab) Jewish land recognized as The State of Israel and official homeland to all Jews Jerusalem remained a neutral area o Very religious significance to both sides

8 1948 Arab-Israeli War Arabs (Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanians, etc.) upset and attack Israel Result?

9 House on the Hill Assignment Read once through and highlight or underline the 8 “characters” o People, places, or things Read a second time and associate the object or character to what we learned about Israel

10 House on the hill Senator Realtor Governor Mayor Brother Smith’s Johnson’s Ottoman Empire WWI England Palestinians Zionists United States United Nations Land

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