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Collapse of south tower of World Trade Center. Photographer-James Nachtwey Presentation from Kevin Jong.

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Presentation on theme: "Collapse of south tower of World Trade Center. Photographer-James Nachtwey Presentation from Kevin Jong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collapse of south tower of World Trade Center. Photographer-James Nachtwey Presentation from Kevin Jong

2 Background information -This was taken by James Nachtwey, a photographer who takes pictures of historical moments in life with a secluded mesage in them. it was taken on 9-11-01 as it is the twin towers collapsing. -Terrorist attack against America in New York city.

3 Character: They are no physical “characters” in this picture. The cross stands as a figure or “character” for christianity. CCLAPPS

4 Colors: The smoke’s color is white, black and partially mixed. The cross is rusty and slowly fading to a dark brown. The light color of the smoke contrast with the smoke around it. CCLAPPS

5 Light: The light isn’t shining on the cross, but is rather overtaken by the shadow. The smoke gives a light feeling around the darkness or smoke. CCLAPPS

6 Angle: The angle is from the perspective of a human, watching a towering building. The buildings on the right are portrayed in the picture as being slanted or tilted. CCLAPPS

7 Proportion: The taller building stands against the other, buildings. - The cross still stands while the smoke passes through. CCLAPPS

8 Placement: The explosion is placed in the center. The Cross is placed in the center as well as the explosion. CCLAPPS

9 Setting: The photograph was taken in New York city. The city has an urban- like feel with the stairs on the side of the building. CCLAPPS

10 CCLAPPS analysis Character: The photograph has no signs of charecter during this tragic event, although New york is usually potrayed as a largely populated city, they are no people in this picture representing the hope that the city lacks during certain crisises. The cross is a symbol of christianity and also perspective, representing how one’s religious thought can differentiate from others. Color: The smoke’s color is white, black and partially mixed, the explosion’s light colors enter the picture as the dark colors exit representing the diversity of America,As the explosion is separating the different colors, it denies the diversity and is springing up prejudice towards others, and in this case, al-qaeda. The cross is also deteriorating from a vibrant color to a more worn out color, giving an ironic view of America turning back to prejudice then to rather understand. Light: The light isn’t shining on the cross, but is rather overtaken by the shadow, representing the ill power of evil, taking over the ones who fight for good or better. The light in the explosion against the darkness can symbolize hope, as although it is weak, it still resist and doesn't give in. Angle: The angle is from the perspective of a human, watching a towering building, representing the weakness over a much more stronger force, which can’t be deal with. Although the building on the left stands tall as a powerful force, it’s cut off and obscured, showing how even if evil stands as the all mighty power, it can still be stopped.

11 CCLAPPS analysis part 2 Proportion: The taller building stands against the other, buildings, to show the remains of good under the influence of the evil.(smoke) The cross still stands while the smoke passes through, representing that if one have a strong faith or religion, then the faith is strong enough to fight against sin. (Evil) Placement: The explosion is placed in the center representing the explosion as a strong force against religion as it towers over the cross. The Cross is placed in the center as well as the explosion, representing that christ can rebel against the smoke.(The result of the explosion) Setting: The photograph is taken in New york city, well known for common welfare and being an overcrowded city. New york stands as being a strong city and although the explosion in the background is strong, the city still stands and is not destroyed like the other buildings, representing that religion is capable of resisting the sin. (explosion). The city has an urban-like feel with the stairs on the side of the building, showing simplicity in an elaborate city like New york.

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