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FACS 56 life management goal setting.

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1 FACS 56 life management goal setting


3 goals goal–a result; an achievement toward which effort is directed if values are the “why”…goals are the “what”… what we want, what we do, what we want to have most often goals are tangible objects or observable results

4 goal setting goals should always be changing long-term—raising a family; buying home short-term—getting through the week intermediate—2-5 years

5 goal setting as with values, people have many goals successful people can identify their goals and know which ones are most important prioritizing first identify, then prioritize—success is measured by your standards

6 goal setting standards are based on values—a measurable guideline or criteria

7 goal setting standards are based on values—a measurable guideline or criteria the “how” or “how much” of life example: eat a balanced diet (goal) to stay healthy (value) minimum of 7 grains, 3 veg & 3 fruits

8 goal setting groups & organizations have goals, values & standards as well example: highways built to move people from place to place (goal) safely (value) with speed limits of 55-65 mph (standard)

9 goal setting close relationship between values, goals & standards acts as a check-and-balance system in setting goals, you are indirectly examining, reinforcing & strengthening your values… while also assessing validity of standards

10 goal setting individuals who base their goals and standards on their values develop to their fullest potential and live effectively in a changing world

11 goal setting easier for some than others some areas of life are easier to be goal- oriented in than others bottom line: knowing what you want and mapping out a plan to get there helps you to decide what to do next

12 brainstorming steps to a successful group brainstorm: 1.each goal or objective should be stated clearly 2.each person in the group has the chance to identify at least one idea 3.a person can “pass” when it is their turn to contribute 4.all ideas are good ones: no judging is done at this time 5.respect must be shown to all members of the group 6.all ideas should be recorded so everyone can see them

13 participation activity expanding brainstorming skills (refer to pg. 43 in text for specifics) write down as many ways as you can think of that an umbrella and tree are alike in the next 3 minutes, write down as many different athletic sports as you can think of in the next two minutes, write down as many ways as you can think of to use a metal fingernail file Now get in groups of three—compare lists. Were there any similarities? Did you come up with even more ideas as you talked?

14 homework: General Goal Setting pgs. 24-27

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