Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 1 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 MSFC/ESA TIM#2 February 24-27,

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Presentation on theme: "Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 1 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 MSFC/ESA TIM#2 February 24-27,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 1 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 MSFC/ESA TIM#2 February 24-27, 2004 The Marshall Institute Madison, Alabama Paolo Ariaudo ESA Payload Safety Related Parameters

2 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 2 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Table of contents Acronyms ISS operation safety responsibilities Background Data selection Payload subsystems ESA payloads’ telemetry classification Payloads data provision Mechanism 2/3 Work in progress RMSA SPLC AAA RPDA

3 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 3 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Acronyms EHSEnhanced HOSC System FCTFlight Control team FD Flight Director HOSCHuntsville Operation and Support Center PODPayload Operations Director POIC Payload Operations and Integration Center PSRPPayload Safety Review Panel SPOE Standard Payload Outfitting Equipment

4 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 4 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 ISS operation safety responsibilities FRCs have responsibility for operation on ESA Payloads ESA FCTs have the responsibility for the coordination and troubleshooting of anomalies in the Columbus Col-CC has the responsibility for the safety of ESA Payloads. Col-CC has the responsibility for the control and training of all hazards and complying with PSRP processes, policies and decisions. The POIC has an oversight role for integrated station-wide payload safety; MCC-H maintains the overall Station-wide safety responsibility.

5 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 5 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Background POIC and Col-CC require a subset of P/L parameters in order to fulfil their safety oversight role; Developed activities Discussion started at the EJOP#5 with representative of ESA MSM-EPO, POIC and Col-CC Definition of the mechanism to provide ESA Payload data to requiring entities General agreement on the kind of data to be provided Selection of a safety consistent subset of data (Health & Status, Housekeeping ) for EPM and FSL.

6 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 6 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Data selection Payload flight and ground operation manuals Flight and ground safety data package 0 + ABCDEF Mission/ Functions Requirements Definition/ Justification Verification/ Qualification Production Utilisation Disposal MDRPRRSRRPDRQRCDRARFRREND OF LIFE ORR Safety Analysis Collision Contamination Corrosion Electrical shock Explosion Fire Injury and Illness Loss of orbiter entry capability Radiation Payload to Columbus DMS ICD General SPOE ICD documentation

7 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 7 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Payload subsystems RMSA SPLC AAA RPDA SPOE: Common subsystem provided by ESA Data available to SPLC. Data inserted both in H&S and HK Telemetry Smoke sensor: NASA SPOE Smoke sensor hardwired to Columbus Vital Layer Non-SPOE subsystems Data available to SPLC Data inserted both in H&S and HK Telemetry

8 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 8 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 ESA payloads’ telemetry classification Health & Status Housekeeping Science Caution & Warning H&S: sub set of HK telemetry relevant from a Columbus s point of view Columbus DMSCol-CC FRC Ground Flight Processing Nodes Payload System Processed Payload Data Classification LEGENDA:

9 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 9 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Mechanism FRC will provide the Col-CC with the subset of Payload processed data required for the safety overview via the DaSS/UMI catalog; POIC will be provided with subsets of processed ESA Payload H&S data by the Col- CC; Col-CC will provide the processed data along with a flag indicating the parameter status (nominal, off-nominal, out of tolerance); POIC is responsible to import data definition in its database and display the data via the EHS

10 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 10 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Work in progress Collection of comments and feedback on the documentation produced so far; Selection of a safety consistent subset of data (Health & Status, Housekeeping ) for remaining Payloads; Mapping to UMI catalog as soon as documentation will be available; Submission and final discussion with POIC and ESA-FCT representatives

11 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 11 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Payload Schematic Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 11 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Back

12 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 12 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Payload Telemetry 1/2 Health & Status Health & Status: Subset of Payload Housekeeping data relevant from a Columbus System point of view [Payload operational state, Resources Consumption; Confirmation that payload is operation within Safety Review Panel guidelines;] Two flags available for C&W messages to COL-DMS/PCS (nor used by all payloads). Processing: All H&S data are available to Columbus DMS processing nodes via the MIL-Bus interface and Common Data Pool; PLCU collect H&S data from the common data pool, packetize them in CCSCS and flag the CCSDS packet as System Data. C&W are processed by the payload and C&W flags are made available to US-PCS via the Col-DMS; Downlink C&W on the S-band downlink; Actually payloads are advised to duplicate H&S in to HK telemetry for Ku-band downlink; No bandwidth actually allocated for payload data other than C&W on S-band; Subset of H&S could be down-linked on the S-band (e.g. for off-nominal situation; Not agreed in ICATT) and routed to Col-CC (final ground processing node) Availability Telemetry available to other ground centres as Processed Data PCS = Portable Computer System, ISS System Laptop Health & Status HousekeepingScience Caution & Warning Back

13 Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity - 13 - Paolo Ariaudo (ESA MSM-EPO) MSFC/ESA TIM#2, February 22-24, 2004 Payload Telemetry 2/2 Housekeeping Housekeeping General overview of actual payload operating status; Shall contain duplication of Health & Status Telemetry; Processing Data are not available to DMS processing node; Paylaod SPLC collects the HK telemetry, packetize in in CCSCS and flag the CCSDS packet as Payload private data; Housekeeping telemetry is processed on board by the payload SPLC/private laptop and on the ground by the FRC. Downlink All HK downloaded on the Ku-band. Routed directly to the relevant FRC (final ground processing node) Availability Available to other ground centres as Processed Data Health & Status HousekeepingScience Caution & Warning Back

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