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Soft skills training Time Challenged A practical guide to self management.

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Presentation on theme: "Soft skills training Time Challenged A practical guide to self management."— Presentation transcript:

1 soft skills training Time Challenged A practical guide to self management

2 soft skills training Objectives Identify reasons for improving time management Evaluate time wasting costs Develop goals that concentrate on results Manage personal energy

3 soft skills training Objectives cont … Overcome Typical Barriers Procrastination Drop-in Visitors Telephone Interruptions Email Manage for the Unexpected Develop a Time Management Action Plan

4 soft skills training Time Challenged If I Had More Time, What Would I Do With It?

5 soft skills training What is the Cost of Wasting Time? Kent makes $45 per hour He wastes 8 hours per week

6 soft skills training Cost of Kent’s Work Time Hourly Rate: $45.00 + Benefits and Insurance: $9.00 (approximately 20% of hourly rate) + Administration costs: $4.50 (approximately 10% of hourly rate) Total hourly cost of Terry’s time =$58.50

7 soft skills training Kent is Costing His Employer $468 per week $24,336 per year

8 soft skills training Time Challenged Film What is the name of the person who is “Time Challenged”? Why does he have difficulty finding what he needs on his desk? How does he initially treat casual visitors? What does he do while he is reading his email? What are 2 suggestions from the film for improving your time management?

9 soft skills training SMART Goals Are 3Specific 3Measurable 3Actionable 3Realistic 3Time Measured

10 soft skills training When Developing Goals Set aside time to do them Identify immediate, short term (1-3 months) and long term (3+ months) goals. Write them down. Develop method to monitor, track progress and revise if needed.

11 soft skills training Ensuring Success What is the #1 thing that successful people always do, that most people don’t do?

12 soft skills training Prioritizing Work RATE TASKS BY THE FOLLOWING GUIDE: A. Must do. Urgent and important. B. Important, core of work. C. Routine work. D. Trivia and don’t dos.

13 soft skills training Time Management Deadly Sin Putting off unpleasant tasks and attempting to do them when your energy is low!

14 soft skills training Common Barriers to Time Management Drop-in Visitors Telephone Interruptions Email Social Networking Procrastination

15 soft skills training Overcoming Time Management Barriers What else can you do to improve your time management with the telephone?

16 soft skills training Time Challenged How can you dig yourself out of The email blackhole?

17 soft skills training OPPORTUNITY! Schedule time on your calendar for an activity you have been procrastinating on or avoiding.

18 soft skills training CRISIS The problem with a crisis is it is always UNEXPECTED! Give yourself a reasonable cushion in your schedule.

19 soft skills training Crisis Rules Take a moment to plan. Get help if you need it. Breathe! Revise your plan. Renegotiate other deadlines. Evaluate how the crisis can be avoided in the future.

20 soft skills training Action Plan Apply what you have learned today

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