CHAPTER 12 LESSON 2 Age of Exploration. The Spanish Conquer Mexico ■Inspired by Christopher Columbus ■Poor Spanish Nobles become conquistadors ■19 year.

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1 CHAPTER 12 LESSON 2 Age of Exploration

2 The Spanish Conquer Mexico ■Inspired by Christopher Columbus ■Poor Spanish Nobles become conquistadors ■19 year old Hernan Cortes was one of these nobles

3 Cortes Arrives in Mexico ■Cortes hears stories of Mexico’s riches ■1519 He travels to Mexico in search of glory Weapons ■508 soldiers, 100 sailors, 16 horses, and 14 cannons ■Mayan woman named Malintzin provides information about the Aztec ■Native Allies ■Small Pox

4 Cortes Defeats the Aztec ■Spanish reach Tenochtitlan ■Montezuma II follows their every move ■He believes Cortes is Quetzalcoatl a light-skinned god that is returning to claim his land ■He changes his mind and invites Cortes into the capital with the idea of ambushing him ■Cortes takes control of the Capital and orders all human sacrifice to stop ■Fight breaks out and Cortes kills thousands as he is running away ■He leaves Smallpox behind ■June 1521 the Spanish destroy the capital

5 Spain Conquers Peru ■Balboa – lead soldiers looking for a golden empire ■Found the Pacific ocean but no golden empire ■He was beheaded by a jealous Spanish official ■Francisco Pizzaro continues the search for gold

6 Pizzarro Meets the Inca ■By 1530 Inca are weak ■Pizzaro’s army –168 soldiers, 1 cannon, 27 horses ■Inca Warriors –30,000 Men

7 The Inca Fall ■Atahualpa along with 4,000 body guards meets with Pizzarro ■Pizzarro demands that they give up their gods ■Atahualpa laughed at him ■Pizzarro attacks and captures Atahualpa ■Atahualpa offers Pizarro a room full of gold ■Pizzarro “Deal” ■Pizzarro takes the gold and eventually kills Atahualpa and becomes governor of peru

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