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Africa & the Middle East Chapter 15 Marston MWH-9th Grade Arcadia High School.

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1 Africa & the Middle East Chapter 15 Marston MWH-9th Grade Arcadia High School

2 Chapter 15 Section 1 Independence in Africa Significance: Post WW II, Most African Nations gained their independence from colonial rule.

3 Map of Africa

4 Independence in Africa 1. African political groups such as the National Liberation Front (FLN) and the African National Congress (ANC) promoted/fought for Independence

5 African national Congress Flag-Party of Mandela Logo of National Liberation Front- Algeria

6 Independence in Africa 2. In S. Africa, a system of Racial segregation known as Apartheid (apartness) was implemented in 1948.

7 Apartheid signs in South Africa

8 The New Nations Significance: Newly independent African states faced political, social, economic, and health issues.

9 New Nations 1. New African leaders: many African leaders had diverse economic views, including “Pan Africanism”-Unity for all Black Africans.”

10 New Nations 2. New African leaders: The OAU (Organization of African Unity) 32 nations in 1963 The AU (African Unity) 53 nations in 2002 Promoted democracy & economic growth among African nations.

11 New Nations 3. Economic Problems: Reliance upon 1-2 export products-led to corruption, population increases, and land drought.

12 New Nations 4. Health problems: AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is an epidemic in Africa. (Devastated by AIDS)

13 New Nations 5. Political challenges: Cold War tensions coupled with the warring of ethnic groups Has ravaged many African nations.

14 Cold War map of Africa

15 New Hopes Significance: Hope has manifested itself in the form of dictators falling from power & apartheid (1994) ending in S. Africa.

16 New Hopes 1. With the fall of cruel dictators (Idi Amin- 1979) and others + the freeing and subsequent election of Nelson Mandela as S. Africa’s first black President-Hope became more concrete.

17 Idi Amin Dada President of Uganda from 1971-1979. Killed between 100,00-500,000 Ugandans during his term. Exiled after Uganda- Tanzania War Died: August 16, 2003

18 Elected First Black President of S. Africa. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize-1993 Jointly with F.W. deKlerk.

19 Society & Culture in Modern Africa Significance: Tensions have appeared in the forms of conflict between old & new and Western & African societies.

20 Society & Culture in Modern Africa 1. Cities are modern and new while tradition still takes precedence over the rural areas where most of African population lives. Women have not made a huge leap in equality.

21 Society & Culture in Modern Africa 2. African Culture: Most artists have to find a balance between western influence and traditional African art/culture. Chinua Achebe-Nigerian author-Nobel peace prize-1989. conflict between the west & traditional values.

22 Chapter 14: Section 2 Conflict in the Middle East Middle East & Palestine: Significance: The creation of Israel led to years of conflict between Israelis & Palestinian Arabs

23 Middle East & Palestine 1. Suez War of 1956- led to emergence of Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt) as a powerful leader.

24 Middle East & Palestine 2. Pan-Arabism (Arab Unity)-First President of the U A R (United Arab Republic) –Share the wealth philosophy

25 Middle East & Palestine 3. Six Day War-tripled the size of Israel

26 Middle East & Palestine 4. O P E C (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). Camp David Accords-Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty (March 1979)

27 OPEC/Camp David Accords

28 Middle East & Palestine 5. PLO & Intifada: 1964 Egyptians formed the Palestinian Liberation Organization Separate Palestinian Nation-led by Yasir Arafat Intiifada (Uprising)

29 PLO: Yasir Arafat

30 Turmoil in Iran & Iraq Significance: In 1979-Iranian Revolution ousted the US backed Shah of Iran, while Saddam Hussein gained strength in Iraq & started the Iran-Iraq war.

31 Turmoil in Iran & Iraq Iran-US influence led to the taking of 52 American Hostages for 444 days. Iraq-Hussein launched the Iran-Iraq war. (lasted 8 years)

32 Iran/Iraq

33 Chapter 14 Section 3 Challenge of Terrorism: Significance: Terrorists use terror to advance their goals.

34 Modern Terrorism 1. Many Historians believe that modern terrorism is rooted in the clash between Muslim & western religions (Christianity) (Crusades)-causes are complex

35 Modern Terrorism 2. Resentment of US investing in Middle Eastern countries-led to attempts to overthrow pro western governments: Fundamentalist Militants

36 Modern Terrorism 3. US support of Israel led to further reasons for terrorists to fight against the US.

37 Modern Terrorism 4. Osama Bin Laden was a member of the Muslin guerilla warriors –Mujahideen Backed by the US Given weapons & aid in war against Soviets. Funding yanked-Bin Laden turned against US.

38 Osama Bin Laden


40 The Attacks of 9/11 Significance: Following 9/11-US engaged in a war against terror in Afghanistan & Iraq.

41 The Attacks of 9/11 1. The Pentagon, and the World Trade Center were attacked by Al-Qaeda (the Base)-Bin Laden’s terrorist group on September 11, 2001.

42 2. US went to war in Iraq & Afghanistan- Became known as the War on Terror. Taliban fell Osama Bin Laden Killed May 2, 2011 Abottabod, Afghanistan-Seal Team 6 Saddam Hussein Killed December 30, 2006 Patriot Act enacted-helped fight terrorism

43 Osama Bin Laden Death Photo Saddam Hussein Death Photo

44 Iraq Factor Significance: US Led a task force of coalition forces in May 2003-certain to find WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) But none existed.

45 Iraq Factor 1.Iraq had previously Invaded Kuwait.

46 Iraq Factor 2. US wanted to go to war, while many nations urged restraint of invasion of Iraq.

47 Iraq Factor 3. Iraq was defeated, much resistance was in effect between the three religious groups: Shiite and Sunni Muslims, and Ethnic Kurds.

48 Iraq Factor 4. Iyad Allawi new Iraqi President-faced new and difficult challenges ahead.

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