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Git And Social Coding Chris

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Presentation on theme: "Git And Social Coding Chris"— Presentation transcript:

1 Git And Social Coding Chris Gomez @SpaceShot

2 Chris Gomez Microsoft MVP in Visual Studio Tools and Technologies (ASP.NET) Co-host of the Static Void Podcast Philly Game Works - -

3 Git Created by Linus Torvalds

4 Goals Suitable for Open Source collaboration No central server, lack of connectivity to contributors Don’t want to have to know and trust all the contributors Intended for Linus to have a “web of trust” in dealing with Linux Something that is not CVS or SVN Intense dislike of CVS and SVN Top complaint seems to be “intelligent merging” Also complaint that merge pain often fell on a victim rather than perpetrator

5 It’s just a Directed Acyclic Graph! A very complicated way of saying something very simple:

6 /

7 Exploring the git filesystem

8 But how are you really going to use Git?

9 git rebase – when the world moved on… C1 C2 C3 C5C4 C6 C7 master feature

10 git rebase – time travel your work C1 C2 C3 C5C4C6C7 master feature

11 git rebase interactive – Why? C1 C2 C3 C5 C4C6 C7 master feature

12 git rebase interactive – rewrite history C1 C2 C3/C4 squashed C6 better commit message C7 master feature C5 was dumped. Can rewrite commits Squash commits Pick commits

13 Some great resources

14 But how are you really going to use Git?

15 You are probably going to use… a central server! You might use GitHub, BitBucket, Visual Studio Team Services in the cloud (among others) You might use TFS on premises, GitLab, GitHub Enterprise, BitBucket Enterprise Wait, doesn’t this just make it SVN, CVS, TFS, VSS all over again?!?!

16 To the Cloud!...

17 libgit2 A reimplementation of Git in C with many bindings: C#, Python, Ruby, Java “re-entrant linkable library with a solid API” This means it’s okay to use it in your application. It is respectful of system resources and tries to keep from bringing down your application

18 Git Man Page Generator (Fun) Please note this is not real git documentation, but a joke about Git documentation.

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